<font size="3"><u><strong>INTRODUCTION 序文 </strong></u></font>
<em><blockquote>This is a course in miracles.</blockquote>
<blockquote>It is a required course. </blockquote>
<blockquote>Only the time you take is voluntary. </blockquote>
<blockquote>Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. </blockquote>
<blockquote>It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time. </blockquote>
<blockquote>The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. </blockquote>
<blockquote>It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, which is your natural inheritance. </blockquote>
<blockquote>The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite.</blockquote>
<blockquote>This course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way:</blockquote>
<blockquote>Nothing real can be threatened.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Nothing unreal exists.
<blockquote>Herein lies the peace of God.</blockquote>
(奇跡のコース テキスト編 序文)
13-6 今を見出すこと Finding the Present
真に知覚するとは、あなたが本当の自分を自覚することによって、 実在のすべてに気づくことである。
To perceive truly is to be aware of all reality through the awareness of your own.
だがこうするために錯覚が生じてあなたの目にふれるということは ありえない。実在にはどのような間違いの余地もないのであるから。
But for this no illusions can rise to meet your sight, for reality leaves no room for any error.
これが意味するのは、 あなたはあるきょうだいをただ今見ているそのままに知覚するだけ だということ。
This means that you perceive a brother only as you see him now.
その人の過去は今ここで何の実在性もないので、 見ることなどできないのである。
His past has no reality in the present, so you cannot see it.
あなたが以前その人にたいして抱いた反応などもそこにはないのだ が、もしそんなことに反応するのだとすれば、 あなたは本人ではなくて、 その人について自分で心に描き続ける像を見ているにすぎない。
Your past reactions to him are also not there, and if it is to them that you react, you see but an image of him that you made and cherish instead of him.
錯覚について疑問に思うときには、 過ぎたことを今のこととして知覚するとは本当に正気の沙汰かどう か、自分自身に聞いてみるがいい。
In your questioning of illusions, ask yourself if it is really sane to perceive what was as now.
自分のきょうだいを見つめるにつれ、 過ぎ去ったことを思いだすのなら、 今ここにある実在を知覚することなどできないであろう。
If you remember the past as you look upon your brother, you will be unable to perceive the reality that is now.
あなたは現在のことを判断するために、 自分の過去の経験をその基準として使うのは「自然」 だと見なしている。
You consider it 'natural' to use your past experience as the reference point from which to judge the present.
ところがそうした経験は妄想的なものなので、 そうするのは不自然なことだ。
Yet this is unnatural because it is delusional.
あなたがすべての人を過去に全く関係なく見るようになったなら、 しかもそうしたことをほかの人の過去として知覚するか自分のとし て知覚するかにかかわらず、 そうできたら今見ていることから学べるようになる。
When you have learned to look on everyone with no reference at all to the past, either his or yours as you perceive it, you will be able to learn from what you see now.
光に恐れを抱いていないかぎり、 過ぎたことが現在のことに影を落しそれを暗くすることなどできな いのだから。
For the past can cast no shadow to darken the present, unless you are afraid of light.
そしてただ光を恐れているときにのみ、 あなたは自ら暗闇をもたらすことを選ぶだろうし、 自分の心を闇のままにし続けることで、 その闇がきょうだいたちを覆ってその真実のすがたをあなたの目か ら隠してしまう暗雲だとみるであろう。
And only if you are would you choose to bring darkness with you, and by holding it in your mind, see it as a dark cloud that shrouds your brothers and conceals their reality from your sight.
This darkness is in you.
今あなたに明らかなものとなったキリストに過去はない。キリストは不変なのだし、 この不変性ゆえにあなたは解放されることになる。
The Christ as revealed to you now has no past, for He is changeless, and in His changelessness lies your release.
キリストは創造されたままだとすれば、 自責の念など抱いてはいないのだから。
For if He is as He was created, there is no guilt in Him.
そんな自責の念の曇りが生じてキリストを不明瞭にしてもいないし 、あなたはキリストを、キリスト自身を通して見るので、 あなたが出会うすべての人のなかにキリストが現れている。
No cloud of guilt has risen to obscure Him, and He stands revealed in everyone you meet because you see Him through Himself.
生まれ変わるとは過去を手放し、 現在を非難せずに見つめるということである。
To be born again is to let the past go, and look without condemnation upon the present.
神の子をあなたに見えにくくする曇とは過去のことであり、 それを過ぎ去らせてなくそうとするのなら、 そんな過去のことに今、目を向けないようにしなければならない。
The cloud that obscures God's Son to you is the past, and if you would have it past and gone, you must not see it now.
あなたがそうした過去を今も錯覚のなかで見るのなら、 そこにはないにもかかわらず、 それはあなたから去っていないことになる。
If you see it now in your illusions, it has not gone from you, although it is not there.
時間というものは閉じ込めるばかりでなく解放することもできるの であり、 それはあなたが時間についてだれの解釈を使うかにかかっている。
Time can release as well as imprison, depending on whose interpretation of it you use.
過去と現在と未来はあなたがそれに継続性を押し付けないかぎり、 継続的なものではない。
Past, present and future are not continuous, unless you force continuity on them.
それを継続的なものとして見て取れるし、 自分のために継続的なものにすることもできる。
You can perceive them as continuous, and make them so for you.
But do not be deceived, and then believe that this is how it is.
実在は自分の必要におうじて、 それに合わせられるものだと信じるのは妄想的であることは確かだ から。
For to believe reality is what you would have it be according to your use for it is delusional.
あなたは自分自身の目的のためには、時間を過去、現在、 未来とに分けて、その継続性を破壊するつもりでいる。
You would destroy time's continuity by breaking it into past, present and future for your own purposes.
自分の過去の経験に基づいて将来を予測し、 それに従って計画したりする。
You would anticipate the future on the basis of your past experience, and plan for it accordingly.
けれども、そうすることであなたは過去と未来を同調させており、 その間を取りなすことができる奇跡に、自分を自由にし、 生まれ変わらせてもらっていないのである。
Yet by doing so you are aligning past and future, and not allowing the miracle, which could intervene between them, to free you to be born again.
奇跡はあなたに自分のきょうだいをその人の過去はないものとして 、見ることができるようにさせる、 したがってあなたはその人を生まれ変わったものと知覚するように なる。
The miracle enables you to see your brother without his past, and so perceive him as born again.
そのきょうだいの過ちはすべて過ぎ去ったことであり、 そんなことを除いてきょうだいを見ることで、 あなたはその人を解放するのである。
His errors are all past, and by perceiving him without them you are releasing him.
そしてそのきょうだいの過去はあなたの過去でもあるのだから、 あなた自身も解放されることになる。
And since his past is yours, you share in this release.
自分の過去から付きまとう暗雲のために、 そのきょうだいをあなたにとって分かり難くさせないことだ、 真理はただ今ここにあるのだから。
Let no dark cloud out of your past obscure him from you, for truth lies only in the present, and you will find it if you seek it there.
そしてそこを捜しさえすれば見出せるだろう。それがないところを捜しているので、 まだ見つけていないだけのこと。
You have looked for it where it is not, and therefore have not found it.
Learn, then, to seek it where it is, and it will dawn on eyes that see.
あなたは自分の過去を怒りのうちに作ったのだし、 もしそれを使って今のことを攻撃したりすれば、 今ここにある自由が分からなくなってしまうだろう。
Your past was made in anger, and if you use it to attack the present, you will not see the freedom that the present holds.
あなたには審きや罪の宣告は過ぎたことであり、 自分でそれを持ち出さないかぎり、 そんなことからは自由な身だとわかるだろう。
Judgement and condemnation are behind you, and unless you bring them with you, you will see that you are free of them.
Look lovingly upon the present, for it holds the only things that are forever true.
今が継続するということは本当なので、 すべての癒しは今ここで見出されるのである。
All healing lies within it because its continuity is real.
癒しは御子としての身分全体に同時に拡張するし、 かくして全員が互いに手をさしのべることができるようになる。
It extends to all aspects of the Sonship at the same time, and thus enables them to reach each other.
今というときは時間が始まる前から存在しているし、 時間がもはやなくなったときにも存在するであろう。
The present is before time was, and will be when time is no more.
ここにあるのはすべて永遠なるものであるし、 一つに結ばれている。
In it are all things that are eternal, and they are one.
そのうえそうしたものは過去によって分離されてはいないので、 時間を超越して継続し、絶え間なく意思の疎通をしている。
Their continuity is timeless and their communication is unbroken, for they are not separated by the past.
ただ過去が分離できるだけであり、 そんな過去はどこにもないのである。
Only the past can separate, and it is nowhere.
今この時が光のなかできょうだいたちをあなたに捧げるのであり、 その光があなたをきょうだいたちと結び付け、 過去から解放してくれるだろう。
The present offers you your brothers in the light that would unite you with them, and free you from the past.
それでも、 あなたは過去のことを持ち出してきょうだいを非難するだろうか。
Would you, then, hold the past against them?
もしするとすれば、存在しない暗闇に留まることを選んでいるし、 自分に差し伸べられた光を受け入れないと拒否していることになる 。
For if you do, you are choosing to remain in the darkness that is not there, and refusing to accept the light that is offered you.
完全な洞察力による光は、 自由に受け取るにつれて惜しみなく与えられるのだし、 制限しないときにのみ受け入れることができるのだから。
For the light of perfect vision is freely given as it is freely received, and can be accepted only without limit.
こうした変化することのない静止した時間の一次元、 そして自分のかつてのすがたなどどこにも見られないところで、 あなたはキリストを見つめるようになり、 そのうえ自らキリストの証人たちを呼び出したのだから、 その人たちにキリストを自分のために証明してもらうことになる。
In this one, still dimension of time that does not change, and where there is no sight of what you were, you look at Christ and call His witnesses to shine on you because you called them forth.
そしてキリストの証人たちはあなたのうちなる真理を否定すること はないだろう。なぜなら、あなたがその真理をその人たちのうちに捜し、 そこに見出したからである。
And they will not deny the truth in you, because you looked for it in them and found it there.
今こそ救いの時、 今このとき時間から解放されているのであるから。
Now is the time of salvation, for now is the release from time.
あなたのきょうだいみんなに手を差し伸べ、 キリストを思わせる雰囲気で接してほしい。
Reach out to all your brothers, and touch them with the touch of Christ.
時間を超越してみんなと一つになればこそ、 あなたは存続することになるし、 その存続性は完全に分かち合われるのでさえぎられることはない。
In timeless union with them is your continuity, unbroken because it is wholly shared.
God's guiltless Son is only light.
There is no darkness in him anywhere, for he is whole.
私があなたに加わって欲しいと呼びかけているように、 あなたもきょうだいみんなにその神の子の完全さについて証言して ほしいと呼びかけるがいい。
Call all your brothers to witness to his wholeness, as I am calling you to join with me.
一人一人の声に合ったパートが罪のあがないの歌にはあり、 それは光の創造主に光を喜び感謝する賛歌ともいえる。
Each voice has a part in the song of redemption, the hymn of gladness and thanksgiving for the light to the Creator of light.
神の子から輝き出る聖なる光が、 その光は御父からのものだということを証明する。
The holy light that shines forth from God's Son is the witness that his light is of his Father.
あなたの創造主を思い出すために、 きょうだいたちのうえに輝くがいい。あなたはその創造主が創造したものについて証言する者たちを呼び 出すにつれて、自ら創造主を思い出すことになるのであるから。
Shine on your brothers in remembrance of your Creator, for you will remember Him as you call forth the witnesses to His creation.
あなたが癒す者たちはあなた自身癒されていることを証明してくれ る。それというのも、その人たちの完全なすがたに、 あなたは自分の完全さを見るようになるからだ。
Those whom you heal bear witness to your healing, for in their wholeness you will see your own.
そしてあなたの賛美と喜びの歌声が創造主に達すると、 創造主はあなたの呼びかけにたいする答えをはっきりと聞こえるよ うにして、あなたの感謝の念に報いてくれるであろう。
And as your hymns of praise and gladness rise to your Creator, He will return your thanks in His clear Answer to your call.
御子が創造主を呼び求めたのに、 答えてもらえないままになることなど決してありえないのだから。
For it can never be that His Son called upon Him and remained unanswered.
創造主からのあなたにたいする呼びかけは、 あなたから創造主にたいする呼かけにすぎない。
His call to you is but your call to Him.
そして創造主のうちに、 あなたはその存在の平安をもって答えてもらったのである。
And in Him you are answered by His peace.
Child of light, you know not that the light is in you.
けれどもあなたはその光の証人たちを通じてそれを見出すようにな るだろう。その人たちに与えておいた光を戻してもらえるのだから。
Yet you will find it through its witnesses, for having given light to them they will return it.
光の中に見える人たち一人ひとりが、あなた自身、 自分の光を自覚できるようにとそれを近付けてくれる。
Each one you see in light brings your light closer to your awareness.
愛はいつも愛へと導く。病人は愛を願い求めており、それをありがたく思い、 喜びのうちにあって聖なる感謝の念で輝いている。
Love always leads to love, The sick, who ask for love, are grateful for it, and in their joy they shine with holy thanks.
そしてこうした感謝を、 喜びを与えてくれたあなたにささげようとする。
And this they offer you who gave them joy.
They are your guides to joy, for having received it of you they would keep it.
あなたはその人たちを平安への案内役と定めるわけだが、 それはあなたがその人たちのなかにある平安を明らかにさせたから である。
You have established them as guides to peace, for you have made it manifest in them.
そしてそれを見ていると、 その美しさにあなたは望郷の思いに満たされることだろう。
And seeing it, its beauty calls you home.
There is a light that this world cannot give.
Yet you can give it, as it was given you.
そのうえあなたがそうした光を与えるにつれて光は輝きを増し、 あなたにこの世をはなれてついてくるようにと招いている。
And as you give it, it shines forth to call you from the world and follow it.
あなたはこうした光にこの世の中の何ものも及ばないほどに、 心をひきつけられる。
For this light will attract you as nothing in this world can do.
だからあなたはこの世を捨て、 もう一つ別の世界を見出すであろう。
And you will lay aside the world and find another.
This other world is bright with love which you have given it.
そしてここではすべてのものが、 あなたの御父と聖なる御子を思い出させてくれる。
And here will everything remind you of your Father and His holy Son.
光は遮られることなく、 静かな喜びのうちにこの世界中に広がっている。
Light is unlimited, and spreads across this world in quiet joy.
あなたの連れてきた人たちみんながあなたのうえに輝き、 あなたもその人たちが自分をここに連れてきてくれたことに感謝し て、その人たちのうえに輝くことだろう。
All those you brought with you will shine on you, and you will shine on them in gratitude because they brought you here.
あなたの光はその人たちの光と一つに結びつき、 そこには実に強い力があるので、 あなたが他の者に目を向けるにつれ、 それがその人たちを暗闇から連れ出すようになる。
Your light will join with theirs in power so compelling, that it will draw the others out of darkness as you look on them.
キリストに目覚めるとは自分の自由意志で愛の法則にしたがうこと 。それもそうした法則のうちなる真理を心静かに再認するからこそ従 うということだ。
Awaking unto Christ is following the laws of love of your free will, and out of quiet recognition of the truth in them.
光の魅力はあなたに自分から進んで近づかせるほどのものに違いな いし、その自発性は与えることで示されている。
The attraction of light must draw you willingly, and willingness is signified by giving.
あなたからの愛を受け入れる者たちは、 あなたが愛してくれたと喜んで証言するようになるし、 その人たちがその愛をあなたにも差しのべてくれる。
Those who accept love of you become your willing witnesses to the love you gave them, and it is they who hold it out to you.
眠っているうちはあなたは一人であり、 自分自身のことしか自覚できなくなっている。
In sleep you are alone, and your awareness is narrowed to yourself.
And that is why the nightmares come.
You dream of isolation because your eyes are closed.
あなたにはきょうだいたちが見えないし、 暗闇のなかではあなたがきょうだいたちに与えた光を見ることもで きないのである。
You do not see your brothers, and in the darkness you cannot look upon the light you gave to them.
とはいえ、 あなたが眠っているので愛の法則が働いていないというわけではな い。
And yet the laws of love are not suspended because you sleep.
それにあなたは自分で悪夢を見ている間じゅうずっと、 そうした法則に従ってきたし忠実に与えてきた。それというのもあなたは一人ではなかったからである。
And you have followed them through all your nightmares, and have been faithful in your giving, for you were not alone.
キリストはあなたが眠っている時でさえ護ってくれているし、 目覚めたときのためにと実相の世界を確保している。
Even in sleep has Christ protected you, ensuring the real world for you when you awake.
あなたのためにと、あなたの名によって与えたし、 自ら差し出した賜物をあなたにも与えた。
In your name He has given for you, and given you the gifts He gave.
God's Son is still as loving as his Father.
御父に継続する存在なので、 その御父とは別の過去というものなどありえない。
Continuous with his Father, he has no past apart from Him.
したがって神の子は御父と自分自身の証人ではなくなったためしは ない。
So he has never ceased to be his Father's witness and his own.
Although he slept, Christ's vision did not leave him.
だから神の子は、決して眠らなかったと教えてくれる証人たちを、 自分自身のために呼びだすこともできるのである。
And so it is that he can call unto himself the witnesses that teach him that he never slept.
To perceive truly is to be aware of all reality through the awareness of your own.
But for this no illusions can rise to meet your sight, for reality leaves no room for any error.
This means that you perceive a brother only as you see him now.
His past has no reality in the present, so you cannot see it.
Your past reactions to him are also not there, and if it is to them that you react, you see but an image of him that you made and cherish instead of him.
In your questioning of illusions, ask yourself if it is really sane to perceive what was as now.
If you remember the past as you look upon your brother, you will be unable to perceive the reality that is now.
You consider it 'natural' to use your past experience as the reference point from which to judge the present.
Yet this is unnatural because it is delusional.
When you have learned to look on everyone with no reference at all to the past, either his or yours as you perceive it, you will be able to learn from what you see now.
For the past can cast no shadow to darken the present, unless you are afraid of light.
And only if you are would you choose to bring darkness with you, and by holding it in your mind, see it as a dark cloud that shrouds your brothers and conceals their reality from your sight.
This darkness is in you.
The Christ as revealed to you now has no past, for He is changeless, and in His changelessness lies your release.
For if He is as He was created, there is no guilt in Him.
No cloud of guilt has risen to obscure Him, and He stands revealed in everyone you meet because you see Him through Himself.
To be born again is to let the past go, and look without condemnation upon the present.
The cloud that obscures God's Son to you is the past, and if you would have it past and gone, you must not see it now.
If you see it now in your illusions, it has not gone from you, although it is not there.
Time can release as well as imprison, depending on whose interpretation of it you use.
Past, present and future are not continuous, unless you force continuity on them.
You can perceive them as continuous, and make them so for you.
But do not be deceived, and then believe that this is how it is.
For to believe reality is what you would have it be according to your use for it is delusional.
You would destroy time's continuity by breaking it into past, present and future for your own purposes.
You would anticipate the future on the basis of your past experience, and plan for it accordingly.
Yet by doing so you are aligning past and future, and not allowing the miracle, which could intervene between them, to free you to be born again.
The miracle enables you to see your brother without his past, and so perceive him as born again.
His errors are all past, and by perceiving him without them you are releasing him.
And since his past is yours, you share in this release.
Let no dark cloud out of your past obscure him from you, for truth lies only in the present, and you will find it if you seek it there.
You have looked for it where it is not, and therefore have not found it.
Learn, then, to seek it where it is, and it will dawn on eyes that see.
Your past was made in anger, and if you use it to attack the present, you will not see the freedom that the present holds.
Judgement and condemnation are behind you, and unless you bring them with you, you will see that you are free of them.
Look lovingly upon the present, for it holds the only things that are forever true.
All healing lies within it because its continuity is real.
It extends to all aspects of the Sonship at the same time, and thus enables them to reach each other.
The present is before time was, and will be when time is no more.
In it are all things that are eternal, and they are one.
Their continuity is timeless and their communication is unbroken, for they are not separated by the past.
Only the past can separate, and it is nowhere.
The present offers you your brothers in the light that would unite you with them, and free you from the past.
Would you, then, hold the past against them?
For if you do, you are choosing to remain in the darkness that is not there, and refusing to accept the light that is offered you.
For the light of perfect vision is freely given as it is freely received, and can be accepted only without limit.
In this one, still dimension of time that does not change, and where there is no sight of what you were, you look at Christ and call His witnesses to shine on you because you called them forth.
And they will not deny the truth in you, because you looked for it in them and found it there.
Now is the time of salvation, for now is the release from time.
Reach out to all your brothers, and touch them with the touch of Christ.
In timeless union with them is your continuity, unbroken because it is wholly shared.
God's guiltless Son is only light.
There is no darkness in him anywhere, for he is whole.
Call all your brothers to witness to his wholeness, as I am calling you to join with me.
Each voice has a part in the song of redemption, the hymn of gladness and thanksgiving for the light to the Creator of light.
The holy light that shines forth from God's Son is the witness that his light is of his Father.
Shine on your brothers in remembrance of your Creator, for you will remember Him as you call forth the witnesses to His creation.
Those whom you heal bear witness to your healing, for in their wholeness you will see your own.
And as your hymns of praise and gladness rise to your Creator, He will return your thanks in His clear Answer to your call.
For it can never be that His Son called upon Him and remained unanswered.
His call to you is but your call to Him.
And in Him you are answered by His peace.
Child of light, you know not that the light is in you.
Yet you will find it through its witnesses, for having given light to them they will return it.
Each one you see in light brings your light closer to your awareness.
Love always leads to love, The sick, who ask for love, are grateful for it, and in their joy they shine with holy thanks.
And this they offer you who gave them joy.
They are your guides to joy, for having received it of you they would keep it.
You have established them as guides to peace, for you have made it manifest in them.
And seeing it, its beauty calls you home.
There is a light that this world cannot give.
Yet you can give it, as it was given you.
And as you give it, it shines forth to call you from the world and follow it.
For this light will attract you as nothing in this world can do.
And you will lay aside the world and find another.
This other world is bright with love which you have given it.
And here will everything remind you of your Father and His holy Son.
Light is unlimited, and spreads across this world in quiet joy.
All those you brought with you will shine on you, and you will shine on them in gratitude because they brought you here.
Your light will join with theirs in power so compelling, that it will draw the others out of darkness as you look on them.
Awaking unto Christ is following the laws of love of your free will, and out of quiet recognition of the truth in them.
The attraction of light must draw you willingly, and willingness is signified by giving.
Those who accept love of you become your willing witnesses to the love you gave them, and it is they who hold it out to you.
In sleep you are alone, and your awareness is narrowed to yourself.
And that is why the nightmares come.
You dream of isolation because your eyes are closed.
You do not see your brothers, and in the darkness you cannot look upon the light you gave to them.
And yet the laws of love are not suspended because you sleep.
And you have followed them through all your nightmares, and have been faithful in your giving, for you were not alone.
Even in sleep has Christ protected you, ensuring the real world for you when you awake.
In your name He has given for you, and given you the gifts He gave.
God's Son is still as loving as his Father.
Continuous with his Father, he has no past apart from Him.
So he has never ceased to be his Father's witness and his own.
Although he slept, Christ's vision did not leave him.
And so it is that he can call unto himself the witnesses that teach him that he never slept.
13-5 二つの感情 The Two Emotions
すでに述べておいたように、 あなたにはただ愛と恐れという二つの感情がある。
I have said you have but two emotions, love and fear.
愛は永遠なるものによって、 永遠なるものに差し伸べられているので変わることはないが、 絶え間なく交換されている。
One is changeless but continually exchanged, being offered by the eternal to the eternal.
In this exchange it is extended, for it increases as it is given.
その半面、一つ一つの錯覚の内容は著しく異なるので、 恐れはいろいろな形であらわれる。
The other has many forms, for the content of individual illusions differs greatly.
けれども一つ共通して言えるのは、 そんな錯覚はみな気違いじみているということ。
Yet they have one thing in common; they are all insane.
そんなものは見えもしない光景や、 聞こえもしない音で成り立っている。
They are made of sights that are not seen, and sounds that are not heard.
そして分かち合うことなどできないような自分だけの世界を作り上 げてしまう。
They make up a private world that cannot be shared.
そんな錯覚はそれを作った当人にのみ意義があるといえるので、 全く何の意味もなさない。
For they are meaningful only to their maker, and so they have no meaning at all.
この世界で、 そんな錯覚を作った者は一人で行動しようとするわけだが、 それはその当人だけがそれを知覚するからである。
In this world their maker moves alone, for only he perceives them.
人はそれぞれ自分の過去にもとづいて心に描いた姿で自分の世界を 埋めようとする。このために個々の世界が異なるのは確かだ。
だがその人の見るそんな姿は決して本物とはいえない。それはただその人のきょうだいたちに対する反応から作られたにす ぎず、 その人に対するきょうだいたちの反応は含まれていないのであるか ら。
それというのも、 こうしたすがたは分離した心のなかだけに知覚されるので、 それを証明する者はほかにいないからである。
こうした奇妙で影のようなすがたを通じて、 正気でない人たちは自らの狂気の世界とかかわりを持とうとする。
It is through these strange and shadowy figures that the insane relate to their insane world.
そしてそんな答えはその者たちに呼びかけた当人以外にはだれにも聞 こえないし、答えてもらえたと信じるのもその人だけだ。
そういうわけであなたは自分自身をまず攻撃しなければならない、 自分が攻撃するものは他の者のなかにはないのだから。
I have said you have but two emotions, love and fear.
One is changeless but continually exchanged, being offered by the eternal to the eternal.
In this exchange it is extended, for it increases as it is given.
The other has many forms, for the content of individual illusions differs greatly.
Yet they have one thing in common; they are all insane.
They are made of sights that are not seen, and sounds that are not heard.
They make up a private world that cannot be shared.
For they are meaningful only to their maker, and so they have no meaning at all.
In this world their maker moves alone, for only he perceives them.
Each one peoples his world with figures from his
individual past, and it is because of this that private worlds do differ.
the figures that he sees were never real, for they are made up only of his
reactions to his brothers, and do not include their reactions to him.
したがってその人は自分がそんなすがたに作ったということや、 それが完全ではないということが分かってはいない。
he does not see he made them, and that they are not whole.
For these figures
have no witnesses, being perceived in one separate mind only.
It is through these strange and shadowy figures that the insane relate to their insane world.
というのもその人たちは、 こんなすがたを思い出させる者だけを見るからだし、 まさにそうした者と関りあっている。
For they see only those who remind them of these images, and it is
to them that they relate.
こうしてその人たちは、 そこにいない者たちと意思の疎通をおこなうし、 そこにはいない者たちが正気でない人たちに答えもする。
Thus do they communicate with those who are not there,
and it is they who answer them.
And no one hears their answer save him who
called upon them, and he alone believes they answered him.
投影することを知覚するようになるわけで、 それ以上のものを見ることはできはしない。
Projection makes
perception, and you cannot see beyond it.
再三あなたが自分のきょうだいを攻撃したというのも、 自分だけの世界のなかにある影のすがたをそのきょうだいに見たか らである。
Again and again have you attacked your
brother, because you saw in him a shadow figure in your private world.
And thus
it is you must attack yourself first, for what you attack is not in others.
そうしたものはただ自分自身の心のなかには本当にあるわけで、 他の者を攻撃するということで、あなたは文字どおり、 そこにないものを攻撃していることになる。
only reality is in your own mind, and by attacking others you are literally
attacking what is not there.
妄想を抱く者たちは、 自分で自分に罪の宣告をしたとは気づかないので、 きわめて破壊的になり得る。
The delusional can be very destructive, for they do not recognise they have
condemned themselves.
死を望んではいないとはいえ、 そんな宣告から自分を放免しようともしないだろう。
They do not wish to die, yet they will not let
condemnation go.
だから、それぞれ自分だけの世界へと離れていくし、 そこでは何もかもことごとく秩序を失っているうえ、 内側にあるものが外側にあるように見えてきたりする。
And so they separate into their private worlds, where
everything is disordered, and where what is within appears to be without.
けれどもその人たちは内側にあるものを見てはいない。自分のきょうだいたちの真実のすがたに気づくことができないので あるから。
what is within they do not see, for the reality of their brothers they cannot
あなたはただ二つの感情を持っているだけなのだが、 自分個人の世界では、そのどちらに対しても、 まるでそれがもう一方のであるがごとくに反応している。
You have but two emotions, yet in your private world you react to each of them
as though it were the other.
愛はばらばらになった世界にとどまることはできないので、 そこに愛が現れたとしても気づかれることはないだろう。
For love cannot abide in a world apart, where when
it comes it is not recognised.
自ら抱く憎しみを自分のきょうだいのものと見なすなら、 あなたはそのきょうだいを見ていないことになる。
If you see your own hatred as your brother, you
are not seeing him.
だれもみな自分が愛するものには近寄るし、 恐れるものからは後ずさりするものだ。
Everyone draws nigh unto what he loves, and recoils from
what he fears.
それなのにあなたは愛にたいして恐れをいだき、 それから離れてしまう。
And you react with fear to love, and draw away from it.
けれども恐怖心には魅惑され、 それこそ愛だと信じて自分にそんな気持ちを呼び起こさせようとす る。
Yet fear
attracts you, and believing it is love, you call it to yourself.
あなただけの世界は自らそこに招き入れた恐ろしいすがたをしたも ので満たされており、 きょうだいたちがどれほど愛を差し伸べようとも、 あなたはそれを少しも見ていない。
Your private
world is filled with figures of fear you have invited into it, and all the love
your brothers offer you, you do not see.
目を開いて自分の世界を見つめれば、 あなたは自分が狂気の世界に引きこもっていると思いあたることが あるに違いない。
As you look with open eyes upon your world, it must occur to you that you have
withdrawn into insanity.
そこにないものを見たり、 音をたてないものの音が聞こえたりしている。
You see what is not there, and you hear what makes no
Your manifestations of emotions are the opposite of what the emotions
だれとも意思の疎通をせず、 まるで全宇宙のなかで一人っきりであるかのように、 実在から隔離されている。
You communicate with no one, and you are as isolated from reality as if you
were alone in all the universe.
狂気ゆえに実在を完全に見過ごしてしまい、 どこを見ようとただ自分自身の分裂した心だけが見える。
In your madness you overlook reality completely,
and you see only your own split mind everywhere you look.
神が呼んでいのに、それが聞こえないというのは、 自分自身の声に心を奪われているからだ。
God calls you and you
do not hear, for you are preoccupied with your own voice.
そしてキリストの洞察力によってみる心の像が見えていないという のも、自分だけに目を向けているからである。
And the vision of
Christ is not in your sight, for you look upon yourself alone.
Little child, would you offer this to your Father?
もしそんな状態を自分自身に提供するのなら、 御父に差し出していることは確か。
For if you offer it to
yourself, you are offering it to Him.
ところが神はそんな状態をそのままで戻すようなことはしないだろ う。それは神にとってふさわしくないのであなたにもふさわしいことで はないのだから。
And He will not return it, for it
is unworthy of you because it is unworthy of Him.
しかも神はあなたをそんな状態から解放し自由にするつもりでいる 。
Yet He would release you from
it and set you free.
神の正気の答えは、 あなたが自分自身に提供したものは真実ではないが、 神の差し伸べてくれるものは決して変わっていないと知らせてくれ る。
His sane Answer tells you what you have offered yourself is
not true, but His offering to you has never changed.
自分で何をしているのか分かっていない者も、 狂気の沙汰とはどんなことかを学び、 それを越えて見ることはできる。
You who know not what you
do can learn what insanity is, and look beyond it.
どのようにすれば狂気の沙汰を否定し、 平安のうちに自分だけの世界から出てこられるかを学ぶために、 その答えは与えられている。
It is given you to learn how
to deny insanity, and come forth from your private world in peace.
あなたは自分で否定したものをすべてきょうだいたちのなかに見る ようになるが、 それは自分自身のなかにはそんな狂気はないと否定したからだ。
You will see
all that you denied in your brothers because you denied it in yourself.
あなたはきょうだいたちを愛するようになるのだし、 近寄ることによって自分自身に引き寄せることになり、 あなたが神と分かち合う実在についての証人として見て取るように もなる。
For you
will love them, and by drawing nigh unto them you will draw them to yourself,
perceiving them as witnesses to the reality you share with God.
私はあなたと共にいるように、 そのきょうだいたちとも一緒にいる。そして我々二人の心が一つとなっているがごとく、 きょうだいたちとも一つの心となるので、あなたと私の二人して、 きょうだいたちをそれぞれの自分だけの世界から離れさせることに なる。
I am with them
as I am with you, and we will draw them from their private worlds, for as we are
united so would we unite with them.
御父は我々みんなを喜んで歓迎してくれるし、 こうした喜びをこそ我々は神にささげるべきだ。
The Father welcomes all of us in gladness,
and gladness is what we should offer Him.
神が御自らを与えてくれているそのあなたに、 神の子は一人のこらず与えられているのだから。
For every Son of God is given you to
whom God gave Himself.
そして自分に与えられた神の賜物を見分けるには、 この神にその御子たちをささげなければならないのである。
And it is God Whom you must offer them, to recognise His
gift to you.
Vision depends on light.
You cannot see in darkness.
けれども暗闇、すなわち自分だけで眠っている世界でなら、 目を閉じているにもかかわらず夢の中では見える。
Yet in darkness, in the
private world of sleep, you see in dreams although your eyes are closed.
And it
is here that what you see you made.
だがその暗闇を放つと、 もはや自分で作ったものなど何も見なくなる。そうしたものを見るかどうかは洞察力を否定することに左右される のであるから。
But let the darkness go and all you made you
will no longer see, for sight of it depends upon denying vision.
Yet from
denying vision it does not follow you cannot see.
しかしこれこそ否認のなせるわざ。そうすることであなたは気違い沙汰に順応し、 自分だけの世界を作って自分の知覚を支配できるものと信じるのだ から。
But this is what denial does,
for by it you accept insanity, believing you can make a private world and rule
your own perception.
Yet for this, light must be excluded.
Dreams disappear when
light has come and you can see.
心に見えるものを自分のふたつの目で捜そうとしないことだ。あなたは暗闇のなかで見えるようにと、 自分なりの見方を作ったのだし、 このためにあなたは見誤っているのだから。
Do not seek vision through your eyes, for you made your way of seeing that you
might see in darkness, and in this you are deceived.
こうした暗闇を越えたところ、 とはいえなおかつあなたの内にこそ、 キリストの洞察力でみる心の像というものがあり、 そのキリストはすべてのものを光のうちに見る。
Beyond this darkness, and
yet still within you, is the vision of Christ, Who looks on all in light.
あなたの「心の像」 は恐れから生じるがキリストのは愛から生じる。
'vision' comes from fear, as His from love.
そのうえキリストは実相の世界についてのあなたの証人として、 あなたに代わって見てくれる。
And He sees for you, as your witness
to the real world.
キリストは聖霊の顕現であり、いつも実相の世界を見つめ、 その世界について証言してくれる者たちの心に呼びかけては、 あなたのもとへと引き寄せようとする。
He is the Holy Spirit's manifestation, looking always on the
real world, and calling forth its witnesses and drawing them to you.
あなたの内に見えるものを愛しそれを拡張しようともするだろう。そのうえ御父のもとまであなたの知覚力を拡張させないかぎり、 自らもそこに戻らないつもりでいる。
He loves
what He sees within you, and He would extend it. And He will not return unto the
Father until He has extended your perception even unto Him.
And there perception
is no more, for He has returned you to the Father with Him.
あなたにはただ二つの感情があるにすぎず、 その一つは自分で作ったがもう一つのは与えられたものだ。
You have but two emotions, and one you made and one was given you.
それぞれの感情はものの見方であり、 それによって見えるものが違うので異なった世界が生まれてくる。
Each is a way
of seeing, and different worlds arise from their different sights.
あなたは自分に与えられた洞察力で見てほしい。キリストは自らの洞察力によって自分自身をみつめるのであるから 。
See through
the vision that is given you, for through Christ's vision He beholds Himself.
そしてあるがままのすがたを見ることで、 キリストは自分の御父が分かってくる。
And seeing what He is, He knows His Father.
あなたの最も暗い夢を越えて、 キリストはあなたの内面に罪なき神の子を見るし、 その御子はそんなあなたの夢で薄暗くなってもいない完全な輝きの なかできらめいている。
Beyond your darkest dreams He sees
God's guiltless Son within you, shining in perfect radiance that is undimmed by
your dreams.
そしてあなたはキリストと共に見つめるにつれて、 こうしたことを確かに見るようになる。そのキリストの洞察力はあなたへの愛の贈り物であり、 あなたのために御父からキリストに与えられたものだから。
And this you will see as you look with Him, for His vision
is His gift of love to you, given Him of the Father for you.
The Holy Spirit is the Light in which Christ stands
そしてキリストを見たいと思う者は、光を求めているので、 だれでもみなそのキリストを見ることができる。
And all who would behold Him can see Him, for they have asked for
Nor will they see Him alone, for He is no more alone than they are.
その人たちは神の子を見たので、 キリストを受け入れ御父を思い出せる。
Because they saw the Son, they have risen in Him to the Father.
そしてこうしたことを全部理解するようになるだろう。自分の内面をのぞき、 暗闇をこえて我がうちなるキリストを見たうえ、 キリストだと気づいたのであるから。
And all this
will they understand, because they looked within and saw beyond the darkness the
Christ in them, and recognised Him.
キリストの洞察力による正常な心で、 愛をこめて自分自身をみつめ、 自らを聖霊が見るがごとくに見ているといえる。
In the sanity of His vision they looked upon
themselves with love, seeing themselves as the Holy Spirit sees them.
そしてこうした自らのうちなる真理を洞察力でみることで、 この世の美しいものすべてがあらわれて自分たちの上に輝くのであ る。
And with
this vision of the truth in them came all the beauty of the world to shine upon
13-4 時間の役目 The Function of Time
さてここで、 なぜあなたはこの奇跡のコースの教えに恐れをいだいているのか、 その理由が明らかになってくる。
And now the reason why you are afraid of this course should be apparent.
それはこれが愛の教えそのものだということ、 この教えはあなたのことについて言っているわけだから。
For this is a course on love, because it is about you.
この世におけるあなたの役目は(真の)癒しであり、 天国における役目は創造だと言われてきた。
You have been told that your function in this world is healing, and your function in Heaven is creating.
自我の教えによれば、 地上でのあなたの役目は破壊することであり、 天国では何の役目もない。
The ego teaches that your function on earth is destruction, and you have no function at all in Heaven.
かくして自我はあなたをここで破滅させ埋葬しようとするうえ、 あなたというものは土から作られたと思っているので、 あなたの受け継ぐものとして土だけ残してくれる。
It would thus destroy you here and bury you here, leaving you no inheritance except the dust out of which it thinks you were made.
その自我は自らの論法にしたがって、 あなたにほどよく満足している限りは、 あなたにすべてを忘れさせてくれる。
As long as it is reasonably satisfied with you, as its reasoning goes, it offers you oblivion.
それが公然と残忍になったときには、 あなたに地獄にいる思いをさせるのである。
When it becomes overtly savage, it offers you hell.
ところがそうした忘却も地獄も、 あなたにとっては天国ほど受け入れ難いものではないのだ。
Yet neither oblivion nor hell is as unacceptable to you as Heaven.
あなたの定義によると天国は確かに地獄と忘却であり、 まさにその天国こそ自分で体験しかねない最大の脅威だと思ってい る。
Your definition of Heaven is hell and oblivion, and the real Heaven is the greatest threat you think you could experience.
それというのも地獄と忘却は自ら作り上げた観念であり、 そんなものの実在性を実証しようと一生懸命になるというのも自分 の実在性を確立するためだからである。
For hell and oblivion are ideas that you made up, and you are bent on demonstrating their reality to establish yours.
そんなものの実在性を疑われたら、 自分の実在性も疑われると信じているのだ。
If their reality is questioned, you believe that yours is.
なぜなら、あなたは攻撃することが自分の本当のすがたであり、 自らを破滅させることで自分の正しさを最終的に証明できると信じ るからである。
For you believe that attack is your reality, and that your destruction is the final proof that you were right.
こんな事情だから、 事実あなたが間違っていたということは別にしても、 間違っていたほうがどちらかといえばよかったのではなかろうか。
Under the circumstances, would it not be more desirable to have been wrong, even apart from the fact that you were wrong?
死ぬということが、 生きていたのは確かだと示してくれると主張できるかもしれないが 、 確かに生きているということをそれが証明すると公言するものは一 人もいない。
While it could perhaps be argued that death suggests there was life, no one would claim that it proves there is life.
過証明する必要があるとすれば、 それはむだな生命であったにすぎないだろぎ去った生命というものを死が示すかもしれないとはいえ、 こうした結果にならざるを得ないうえに、 それがあったとこんなにしてまでう。
Even the past life that death might indicate, could only have been futile if it must come to this, and needs this to prove that it was at all.
あなたは天国のことを疑問に思うくせに、 こうしたことを疑問に思ってはいない。
You question Heaven, but you do not question this.
けれども、 もしあなたがそれを疑問に思いさえすれば癒すこともできるし、 癒されることもできる。
Yet, you could heal and be healed if you did question it.
それに、たとえ天国を知らないとはいえ、 それのほうが死よりもっと望ましいのではないだろうか。
And even though you know not Heaven, might it not be more desirable than death?
あなたは選んで知覚してきたように、 選びながら疑問を抱いてきた。
You have been as selective in your questioning as in your perception.
An open mind is more honest than this.
自我は時間について奇妙な観念を持っているので、 あなたはこうした観念についてまず質問し始めるといいだろう。
The ego has a strange notion of time, and it is with this notion that your questioning might well begin.
自我は過去のことに重きをおき、 それに注ぎ込む労力や心労をいとわないうえ、 最終的には過去だけが有意義な時間の側面だと信じている。
The ego invests heavily in the past, and in the end believes that the past is the only aspect of time that is meaningful.
罪責感を重視するということは、 未来を過去と同じようにすることで自我を確実に継続させられるよ うになり、 かくして現在を避けているのだということを思いだしてほしい。
Remember that its emphasis on guilt enables it to ensure its continuity by making the future like the past, and thus avoiding the present.
過去のつぐないとして、将来罰をうけるという観念によれば、 過去のことが将来の決め手となり、 そのあいだの現在という時がなくて、 過去と未来を継続させることになる。
By the notion of paying for the past in the future, the past becomes the determiner of the future, making them continuous without an intervening present.
というのも、 自我は現在をいわば単なる未来への短い過渡期にすぎないと見なし ており、その変わり目で、今という時は過ぎ去さるものと解釈し、 過去を未来へと続けるからである。
For the ego regards the present only as a brief transition to the future, in which it brings the past to the future by interpreting the present in past terms.
'Now' has no meaning to the ego.
今という時はただ昔味わった痛みなどを思い出させるだけであり、 それにたいして、 自我はまるでその時が過去そのものであるがごとくに反応する。
The present merely reminds it of past hurts, and it reacts to the present as if it were the past.
自我は過去から解放されることに耐えられないので、 過去は文字どおり過ぎ去ったとはいえ、 それがあたかも現在のことであるがごとくに対応し、 心に浮かぶ過去の思いを保とうとする。
The ego cannot tolerate release from the past, and although the past is over, the ego tries to preserve its image by responding as if it were present.
それにあなたが現在、 出会う人たちにたいしては過去のことを判断の基準にして、 どう反応するかを指図するので、 その人たちの今ある真実のすがたを不明瞭にしてしまう。
It dictates your reactions to those you meet in the present from a past reference point, obscuring their present reality.
その結果、あなたが自我の指図にしたがうとすれば、 自分のきょうだいにたいして、 まるでだれか他の人であるかのように反応するだろうし、 こんなことをすればそのきょうだいをあるがままに認められなくな ってしまうのは確かだろう。
In effect, if you follow the ego's dictates you will react to your brother as though he were someone else, and this will surely prevent you from recognising him as he is.
そしてあなたは自分の過去をもとにそのきょうだいから伝言を受け 取ることになる。そうした過去は現在でも本当だとして自分自身それを手放すのを禁 じているのだから。
And you will receive messages from him out of your own past because, by making it real in the present, you are forbidding yourself to let it go.
かくして、あなたは今きょうだい一人ひとりが、 あなたは解放されていると伝えてくれる、その伝言を退けている。
You thus deny yourself the message of release that every brother offers you now.
過去からの影のようなすがた、 それこそ正にあなたが逃れなければならないものだ。
The shadowy figures from the past are precisely what you must escape.
そんなすがたは本物ではないし、 あなたが自分で連れていかないかぎり、 それにはあなたを支配する力などない。
They are not real, and have no hold over you unless you bring them with you.
そんなものがあなたの心のなかに、何らかの痛みを留めておき、 すでに終わった過去にたいして仕返しするために、 今あなたに指図し攻撃させようとする。
They carry the spots of pain in your mind, directing you to attack in the present in retaliation for a past that is no more.
そして、 こんな決心をすると後になって苦痛を味わうことになってしまう。
And this decision is one of future pain.
過去の痛みは錯覚だということを学ばないかぎり、 あなたは錯覚である未来を選んでいるので、 解放される機会は現在いくらでも見いだせるのにそれを失っている のである。
Unless you learn that past pain is an illusion, you are choosing a future of illusions and losing the many opportunities you could find for release in the present.
自我はあなたの悪夢を残しておいて、 あなたが目覚めるのを妨げたり、 そんな悪夢は過ぎたことだと分からないようにさせたりするだろう 。
The ego would preserve your nightmares, and prevent you from awakening and understanding they are past.
もしあなたが、 聖なる出合いは単に自分自身の過去との遭遇にすぎないと見て取る なら、そうした出合いに気づくだろうか。
Would you recognise a holy encounter if you are merely perceiving it as a meeting with your own past?
あなたはだれとも遭遇するわけではないのだし、 そのうえ救いを分かち合うということが出会いを聖なるものにする とはいえ、 そうした分かち合いはあなたの目の前から除かれてしまうのである から。
For you would be meeting no one, and the sharing of salvation, which makes the encounter holy, would be excluded from your sight.
あなたはいつも自分自身と遭遇するのであり、 あなたは神聖なのだから、 そうした出会いは神聖だと聖霊は教えている。
The Holy Spirit teaches that you always meet yourself, and the encounter is holy because you are.
自我は、あなたは常に自分の過去と出会うのだと教え、 それにあなたの夢は神聖ではなかったので、 未来が神聖であるはずがないし、 現在に意義はないなどと教えるのである。
The ego teaches that you always encounter your past, and because your dreams were not holy, the future cannot be, and the present is without meaning.
聖霊が時間をどう知覚するのかみてみれば、 それは自我のしかたと全く逆だということは明白だ。
It is evident that the Holy Spirit's perception of time is the exact opposite of the ego's.
その理由も同じようにはっきりしている。というのも聖霊と自我は時間の目標を真っ向から対立するものと知 覚するからである。
The reason is equally clear, for they perceive the goal of time as diametrically opposed.
聖霊は、 時間の目的とは時間そのものの必要性をなくす援助をすることだと 解釈している。
The Holy Spirit interprets time's purpose as rendering the need for time unnecessary.
時間の役目は一時的なもので、 ただ聖霊が教える役目をはたすのに役立つにすぎないと見なし、 その役目も文字どおり一時的なものだ。
He regards the function of time as temporary, serving only His teaching function, which is temporary by definition.
したがって聖霊は、無限に拡張し得る時間の一側面だけ強調する、 「今」こそ、この世界が差し伸べてくれる、 永遠にもっとも近い側面であるから。
His emphasis is therefore on the only aspect of time that can extend to the infinite, for now is the closest approximation of eternity that this world offers.
過去や未来を除いた「今」こそ真実のすがたであるとするうちに、 永遠というものの真価を認め始めることになる。
It is in the reality of 'now', without past or future, that the beginning of the appreciation of eternity lies.
あるのは「今」だけであって、ただ「今」 このときが聖なる出会いの機会を与えてくれるのだし、 そうした出会いのなかにこそ救いを見出せるのであるから。
For only 'now' is here, and only 'now' presents the opportunities for the holy encounters in which salvation can be found.
その一方自我は、 永遠のかわりに自我そのものを拡大するのが時間の役目だと見なし ている、自我も聖霊と同様に、 時間の目標を自らのものとして解釈するのであるから。
The ego, on the other hand, regards the function of time as one of extending itself in place of eternity, for like the Holy Spirit, the ego interprets the goal of time as its own.
自らの指図のもと、過去と未来が継続するということこそ、 自我が時間のなかに見て取る唯一の目的であり、 そうすることで今という時を閉ざしてしまうので、 自我そのものが継続するのに、何の隔たりも起こり得ない。では自我の継続性はあなたを時間のうちに留めることになるだろう が、聖霊がそれから解放してくれる。
The continuity of past and future, under its direction, is the only purpose the ego perceives in time, and it closes over the present so that no gap in its own continuity can occur, Its continuity, then, would keep you in time, while the Holy Spirit would release you from it.
もしあなたが聖霊の救いの目標を分かち合うつもりなら、 救いの手段について聖霊の解釈を受け入れるようになる必要がある 。
It is His interpretation of the means of salvation that you must learn to accept, if you would share His goal of salvation for you.
そしてあなたも自分の役目を解釈するように、 時間の役目というものを解釈するようになるだろう。
You, too, will interpret the function of time as you interpret yours.
もしあなたが時間の世界において、 自分の役目は癒しであるということを受け入れるなら、 ただ癒しが起こり得る時間の側面だけを強調するようになる。
If you accept your function in the world of time as one of healing, you will emphasise only the aspect of time in which healing can occur.
Healing cannot be accomplished in the past.
It must be accomplished in the present to release the future.
こうした解釈が未来を現在に結びつけ、 過去よりむしろ現在を拡張することになる。
This interpretation ties the future to the present, and extends the present rather than the past.
しかしあなたが自分の役目は破壊することだと解釈するなら、 今を見失い、過去にしがみついて確実に破滅的な未来にする。
But if you interpret your function as destruction, you will lose sight of the present and hold on to the past to ensure a destructive future.
そして時間はあなたが解釈するとおりになる、 時間そのものは実存しないのだから。
And time will be as you interpret it, for of itself it is nothing.
And now the reason why you are afraid of this course should be apparent.
For this is a course on love, because it is about you.
You have been told that your function in this world is healing, and your function in Heaven is creating.
The ego teaches that your function on earth is destruction, and you have no function at all in Heaven.
It would thus destroy you here and bury you here, leaving you no inheritance except the dust out of which it thinks you were made.
As long as it is reasonably satisfied with you, as its reasoning goes, it offers you oblivion.
When it becomes overtly savage, it offers you hell.
Yet neither oblivion nor hell is as unacceptable to you as Heaven.
Your definition of Heaven is hell and oblivion, and the real Heaven is the greatest threat you think you could experience.
For hell and oblivion are ideas that you made up, and you are bent on demonstrating their reality to establish yours.
If their reality is questioned, you believe that yours is.
For you believe that attack is your reality, and that your destruction is the final proof that you were right.
Under the circumstances, would it not be more desirable to have been wrong, even apart from the fact that you were wrong?
While it could perhaps be argued that death suggests there was life, no one would claim that it proves there is life.
Even the past life that death might indicate, could only have been futile if it must come to this, and needs this to prove that it was at all.
You question Heaven, but you do not question this.
Yet, you could heal and be healed if you did question it.
And even though you know not Heaven, might it not be more desirable than death?
You have been as selective in your questioning as in your perception.
An open mind is more honest than this.
The ego has a strange notion of time, and it is with this notion that your questioning might well begin.
The ego invests heavily in the past, and in the end believes that the past is the only aspect of time that is meaningful.
Remember that its emphasis on guilt enables it to ensure its continuity by making the future like the past, and thus avoiding the present.
By the notion of paying for the past in the future, the past becomes the determiner of the future, making them continuous without an intervening present.
For the ego regards the present only as a brief transition to the future, in which it brings the past to the future by interpreting the present in past terms.
'Now' has no meaning to the ego.
The present merely reminds it of past hurts, and it reacts to the present as if it were the past.
The ego cannot tolerate release from the past, and although the past is over, the ego tries to preserve its image by responding as if it were present.
It dictates your reactions to those you meet in the present from a past reference point, obscuring their present reality.
In effect, if you follow the ego's dictates you will react to your brother as though he were someone else, and this will surely prevent you from recognising him as he is.
And you will receive messages from him out of your own past because, by making it real in the present, you are forbidding yourself to let it go.
You thus deny yourself the message of release that every brother offers you now.
The shadowy figures from the past are precisely what you must escape.
They are not real, and have no hold over you unless you bring them with you.
They carry the spots of pain in your mind, directing you to attack in the present in retaliation for a past that is no more.
And this decision is one of future pain.
Unless you learn that past pain is an illusion, you are choosing a future of illusions and losing the many opportunities you could find for release in the present.
The ego would preserve your nightmares, and prevent you from awakening and understanding they are past.
Would you recognise a holy encounter if you are merely perceiving it as a meeting with your own past?
For you would be meeting no one, and the sharing of salvation, which makes the encounter holy, would be excluded from your sight.
The Holy Spirit teaches that you always meet yourself, and the encounter is holy because you are.
The ego teaches that you always encounter your past, and because your dreams were not holy, the future cannot be, and the present is without meaning.
It is evident that the Holy Spirit's perception of time is the exact opposite of the ego's.
The reason is equally clear, for they perceive the goal of time as diametrically opposed.
The Holy Spirit interprets time's purpose as rendering the need for time unnecessary.
He regards the function of time as temporary, serving only His teaching function, which is temporary by definition.
His emphasis is therefore on the only aspect of time that can extend to the infinite, for now is the closest approximation of eternity that this world offers.
It is in the reality of 'now', without past or future, that the beginning of the appreciation of eternity lies.
For only 'now' is here, and only 'now' presents the opportunities for the holy encounters in which salvation can be found.
The ego, on the other hand, regards the function of time as one of extending itself in place of eternity, for like the Holy Spirit, the ego interprets the goal of time as its own.
The continuity of past and future, under its direction, is the only purpose the ego perceives in time, and it closes over the present so that no gap in its own continuity can occur, Its continuity, then, would keep you in time, while the Holy Spirit would release you from it.
It is His interpretation of the means of salvation that you must learn to accept, if you would share His goal of salvation for you.
You, too, will interpret the function of time as you interpret yours.
If you accept your function in the world of time as one of healing, you will emphasise only the aspect of time in which healing can occur.
Healing cannot be accomplished in the past.
It must be accomplished in the present to release the future.
This interpretation ties the future to the present, and extends the present rather than the past.
But if you interpret your function as destruction, you will lose sight of the present and hold on to the past to ensure a destructive future.
And time will be as you interpret it, for of itself it is nothing.
13-3 罪のあがないに関する恐れ The Fear of Redemption
あなたは自分の抱く憎しみをよく見て、 それが何を意味するか十分に悟ることが、 なぜそれほど重大なのかと不思議に思うかも知れない。
You may wonder why it is so crucial that you look upon your hatred and realise its full extent.
それに聖霊にとっては、 そうした憎しみをあなた自身自覚するということを必要とせずに、 ただあなたに見せたうえでそれをぬぐい去ることなどたやすいだろ うに、とも思うかも知れない。
You may also think that it would be easy enough for the Holy Spirit to show it to you, and to dispel it without the need for you to raise it to awareness yourself.
だが、あなたは自分自身と贖罪(≒自我の「分離」 という間違った思い込みを聖霊によって取り消すこと、 それを進める聖霊の計画)のあいだにもう一つ障害を置いている。
Yet there is one more obstacle you have interposed between yourself and the Atonement.
前に述べたことだが、だれであれ、 もし恐れに気づくならそれを黙認する者は一人もいない。
We have said that no one will countenance fear if he recognises it.
けれども、心が乱れているときには、 恐れを恐れとも思わないのだ。
Yet in your disordered state of mind you are not afraid of fear.
気にならないわけではないが、 自分を本当に怖がらせるものを攻撃することを望んではいない。
You do not like it, but it is not your desire to attack that really frightens you.
You are not seriously disturbed by your hostility.
そうした敵意を隠し続けるというのも、 それがおおい隠しているものにもっと恐れを抱いているからである。
You keep it hidden because you are more afraid of what it covers.
もしあなたが、自我がなければ自分自身のなかに、 自分にとってなおいっそう恐ろしいものを何か見つけることになっ てしまうと信じたりしなければ、 自我の最もなぞめいた礎石さえ恐れずに見つめることができる。
You could look even upon the ego's darkest cornerstone without fear if you did not believe that, without the ego, you would find within yourself something you fear even more.
実のところあなたは、 はりつけにされるのを怖がっているわけではない。
You are not really afraid of crucifixion.
あなたが本当に恐怖を抱いているのは、 罪をあがなわれることである。
Your real terror is of redemption.
自我のなぞめいた土台の下にあるのは何かといえば、 それは神の思い出であり、 これこそあなたが本当に恐れているものだ。
Under the ego's dark foundation is the memory of God, and it is of this that you are really afraid.
というのは、 こうした思い出があなたを直ちに自分にふさわしい場へと戻しそう だし、そここそ自ら求めて離れようとした所だからである。
For this memory would instantly restore you to your proper place, and it is this place that you have sought to leave.
あなたが抱いている攻撃にたいする恐れは、 愛にたいする恐れと比べれば問題にならない。
Your fear of attack is nothing compared to your fear of love.
神の子を殺したいという野蛮な願いをよく見てみようとすると、 自分を愛から救うことになると信じたりしなかったなら、 進んでそれを見る気にもなるだろう。
You would be willing to look even upon your savage wish to kill God's Son, if you did not believe that it saves you from love.
こんな願いが分離を引き起こしたのだし、 分離を癒したいとは思わないのでそれを護っている。
For this wish caused the separation, and you have protected it because you do not want the separation healed.
そんな願いをおおい隠す暗雲を取りされば、 御父にたいするあなたの愛が自分に御父の呼びかけに答えさせ、 天国へと思いを馳せずにはいられなくさせると、 よく分かっている。
You realise that, by removing the dark cloud that obscures it, your love for your Father would impel you to answer His call and leap into Heaven.
あなたがそうするのを攻撃することが妨げることになるので、 攻撃することこそ救いであるとあなたは信じている。
You believe that attack is salvation because it would prevent you from this.
自我の土台よりさらに深く、 それが強くなる可能性よりもっと強いのが、 強烈で燃えるようなあなたの神にたいする愛であり、 あなたへの神の愛であるから。
For still deeper than the ego's foundation, and much stronger than it will ever be, is your intense and burning love of God, and His for you.
This is what you really want to hide.
正直なところ、あなたには「憎い」と言うより「愛している」 と言う方が難しいのではないだろうか。
In honesty, is it not harder for you to say 'I love' than 'I hate'?
愛を弱さと結びつけたり、 憎しみを強さと結びつけて考えたりして、 あなたにとっては自分のもつ本当の力も実質的には弱みのように思 えたりもする。
You associate love with weakness and hatred with strength, and your own real power seems to you as your real weakness.
もしあなたが愛の呼びかけを耳にしたなら、 喜んでそれに応ずるのを抑えられないし、 自分で作ったと思っている世界は全部たちまち消滅してしまうだろ うから。
For you could not control your joyous response to the call of love if you heard it, and the whole world you thought you made would vanish.
そこで、聖霊が自分の要塞を攻撃しているように思えてくるが、 それはあなたが神を締め出そうとしても、 神はそうされることなど願っていれないからである。
The Holy Spirit, then, seems to be attacking your fortress, for you would shut out God, and He does not will to be excluded.
あなたは(自我の)気違いじみた信念を全部体系化したわけが、 それは神の面前で自分はどうすることもできないだろうと思うか らだし、自分自身を神の愛から救おうとするのは、 自分がそれに押しつぶされて無価値なものにされてしまうと思うか らである。
You have built your whole insane belief system because you think you would be helpless in God's Presence, and you would save yourself from His Love because you think it would crush you into nothingness.
その御愛があなたをあなた自身とはいえなくし、 取るに足らないものにするのではないかと怖がっているというのも 、あなたが大胆に抵抗することに自分の重要性が見いだされ、 攻撃するのは威厳があることだと信じるからだ。
You are afraid it would sweep you away from yourself and make you little, because you believe that magnitude lies in defiance, and that attack is grandeur.
あなたは、 神が破壊しそうな世界を自分で作ってしまったと思っているが、 あなたはすでに神を愛しているといえるし、愛するからこそ、 こんな世界をなげうってもいいと思うだろうし、 きっとそうするであろう。
You think you have made a world God would destroy; and by loving Him, which you do, you would throw this world away, which you would.
したがって、 あなたはそんな世界を使って自分の愛をおおっているのであり、 暗黒状態にある自我の土台へと深く入りこめば入りこむほど、 そこに隠された御愛に近付いていることになる。
Therefore, you have used the world to cover your love, and the deeper you go into the blackness of the ego's foundation, the closer you come to the Love that is hidden there.
And it is this that frightens you.
あなたが正気でない状態を受け入れることができるのは、 それを自らでっちあげたからだが、 自分で愛を作ったのではないから、 それを受け入れることができないのである。
You can accept insanity because you made it, but you cannot accept love because you did not.
贖われた神の子であるより、 むしろはりつけにされる身の奴隷でいたいのだろう。
You would rather be a slave of the crucifixion than a Son of God in redemption.
一つとなって生きることより、 自分個人として迎える死のほうがもっと貴重に思えるというのも、 与えられたことは自分で作ったことほど大事ではないからなのだ。
Your individual death seems more valuable than your living oneness, for what is given you is not so dear as what you made.
あなたは自我よりも神にたいしてもっと恐れを抱いているし、 愛は歓迎されないところに入ることはできない。
You are more afraid of God than of the ego, and love cannot enter where it is not welcome.
ところが憎しみはそこに入り込んでしまう。というのも憎しみはいわば勝手に入り込み、 あなたの意志など気にもかけないからである。
But hatred can, for it enters of its own volition and cares not for yours.
自分の錯覚を自分でしっかり見なければならないし、 それを隠しておかないことだ、 そうした錯覚はそれ自体の土台に基づいてはいないのであるから。
You must look upon your illusions and not keep them hidden, because they do not rest on their own foundation.
それが隠されていると、 それに基づいているように見えるので自立しているように思える。
In concealment they appear to do so, and thus they seem to be self-sustained.
This is the fundamental illusion on which the others rest.
そうした錯覚が隠されている間じゅう、 その下にはそんな錯覚を怒りのうちに作ってしまったものと思い込 んでいる。愛に満る心が隠れているのであるから。
For beneath them, and concealed as long as they are hidden, is the loving mind that thought it made them in anger.
そしてこの心の痛みは隠しきれないほどのものであり、 それが明らかになると、 その心は癒される必要があることを否定できない。
And the pain in this mind is so apparent, when it is uncovered, that its need of healing cannot be denied.
あなたが思い付くごまかしやもくろみはどれもみなその心を癒せは しないだろう。これこそ神の子にとっては本当にはりつけになっているようなもの であるから。
Not all the tricks and games you offer it can heal it, for here is the real crucifixion of God's Son.
And yet he is not crucified.
ここにこそ神の子の苦痛と癒しが共にあるといえる。聖霊の洞察力は慈悲深いうえ、 聖霊の療法には時間はかからないのであるから。
Here is both his pain and his healing, for the Holy Spirit's vision is merciful and His remedy is quick.
苦しみを聖霊に見えないように隠したりせず、 喜んで打ち明けるがいい。
Do not hide suffering from His sight, but bring it gladly to Him.
永遠に正常な心の状態にある聖霊の前にあなたの心の傷をみなさら け出し、自分を癒してもらうことだ。
Lay before His eternal sanity all your hurt, and let Him heal you.
どんな小さな痛みも聖霊の御光から隠しておかないようにし、 あなたにとって発見するのは怖いと思えるようなことも見つけるた めに、自分の心を注意深く捜してほしい。
Do not leave any spot of pain hidden from His Light, and search your mind carefully for any thoughts you may fear to uncover.
聖霊はあなたが自分を傷つけるために保っているささいな思いをこ とごとく癒し、その取るに足らない状態を洗い清めたうえで、 神にとって重要な思いに戻してくれるのであるから。
For He will heal every little thought you have kept to hurt you and cleanse it of its littleness, restoring it to the magnitude of God.
あなたは必死に虚勢を張ろうとするその裏で、 本当は助けを求めて呼びかけているのである。
Beneath all the grandiosity you hold so dear is your real call for help.
御父があなたを御自身のもとへと呼んでいるがごとくに、 あなたは御父に愛をもとめて呼びかけているのであるから。
For you call for love to your Father as your Father calls you to Himself.
あなたは自分で隠れているその場所で、 愛をこめて御父を思い出すうちに、 御父と一つに結ばれることになるにすぎない。
In that place which you have hidden, you will only to unite with the Father, in loving remembrance of Him.
こうした真理の場を、 あなたのきょうだいたちのなかに見るようにすれば見出せるだろう 。そのきょうだいは自分を欺いているかもしれないとはいえ、 あなたと同じように、 自分のうちなる崇高さを切望しているのだから。
You will find this place of truth as you see it in your brothers, for though they may deceive themselves, like you they long for the grandeur that is in them.
そしてあなたはその崇高さを知覚するとそれを喜んで迎えるだろう し、そうすることでそれはあなたのものにもなる。
And perceiving it you will welcome it, and it will be yours.
崇高さは神の子の権利であって、 どんな錯覚にせよそれで神の子を満足させることはできないし、 神の子のあるがままのすがたをそれ以下のものにすることなどでき はしないのだから。
For grandeur is the right of God's Son, and no illusions can satisfy him or save him from what he is.
神の子の愛だけが本物であり、 神の子は自分の真実のすがたにのみ満足するであろう。
Only his love is real, and he will be content only with his reality.
神の子を自らの錯覚から救ってほしい。そうすればあなたは御父がいかに大きな存在であるかを平安と喜び のうちに受け入れるかもしれない。
Save him from his illusions that you may accept the magnitude of your Father in peace and joy.
しかし自分の愛の対象としてだれ一人除外することのないように。そうでないとあなたは心の中に、 聖霊を喜んで迎え入れようとしない暗い場所を隠していることにな る。
But exempt no one from your love, or you will be hiding a dark place in your mind where the Holy Spirit is not welcome.
かくしてあなたは自分自身を聖霊の癒す力の対象から除外するよう になる。なぜならすべての愛を捧げないでおくと、 自分が完全には癒されなくなってしまうからである。
And thus you will exempt yourself from His healing power, for by not offering total love you will not be healed completely.
恐れがそうであるように癒しは完全なものでなければならない。愛は、ほんの少し恐れているために、 喜んで迎えてもらえないようなところに入ることはできないのであ るから。
Healing must be as complete as fear, for love cannot enter where there is one spot of fear to mar its welcome.
正気でいるよりむしろ分離することを選ぶ者は、 自分の正しい心が正気の状態にあるはずがない。
You who prefer separation to sanity cannot obtain it in your right mind.
You were at peace until you asked for special favour.
そして神はその願いを聞き入れてくださらなかったが、 それはその願いが御自身に相容れないことだったからだし、 御子を本当に愛している御父にあなたがこんなことを頼めるはずも なかったのである。
And God did not give it for the request was alien to Him, and you could not ask this of a Father Who truly loved His Son.
したがって、あなたは自分で御父を愛のない父親だとしておいて、 そんな親だけが与えそうなものを御父から要求している。
Therefore you made of Him an unloving father, demanding of Him what only such a father could give.
そして神の子の平安は打ち砕かれてしまったわけだが、 それは自分が御父をもはや理解していなかったからだといえる。
And the peace of God's Son was shattered, for he no longer understood his Father.
自分で作ったものを恐れていたが、 それより自分の本当の御父をもっと恐れたというのは、 その御父と自分はすばらしいことに対等であるという事実を攻撃し たからである。
He feared what he had made, but still more did he fear his real Father, having attacked his own glorious equality with Him.
平安なときには御子は何も必要としなかったし、 何一つ頼みもしなかった。
In peace he needed nothing and asked for nothing.
争っていたときには、あらゆるものを要求したが、 何も見出せなかったのである。
In war he demanded everything and found nothing.
愛の優しさがそうした御子の要求に応じられるはずがないし、 それがあるとするなら平安のうちに出発し御父のもとへ戻ってから としか考えられないのではないだろうか。
For how could the gentleness of love respond to his demands, except by departing in peace and returning to the Father?
御子が平安のうちにとどまることを願わなかったのなら、 決してそこに留まることはできないだろう。
If the Son did not wish to remain in peace, he could not remain at all.
暗闇のようになった心は光のうちに生きることはできないし、 そんな心は、 そこにはいないのにいると信じることができるような、 闇に包まれた場を捜さなければならなくなる。
For a darkened mind cannot live in the light, and it must seek a place of darkness where it can believe it is where it is not.
God did not allow this to happen.
けれどもあなたはそれが起こるように要求したのであり、 したがってそうなったものと信じたのである。
Yet you demanded that it happen, and therefore believed that it was so.
「選り抜く」とは「一人にする」とのこと、 したがって孤立するということである。
To 'single out' is to 'make alone', and thus make lonely.
God did not do this to you.
神は御自らの統一されたすがたの中にこそ、 あなたの平安があると分かっていながら、 あなたを引き離したりなさるだろうか。
Could He set you apart, knowing that your peace lies in His Oneness?
苦痛を味わいたいとのあなたの願いだけは否定したというのも、 苦しみは神が創造したものではないからである。
He denied you only your request for pain, for suffering is not of His creation.
創造なさったものはあなたに与えられたので、 それを取り上げたりなさるはずがない。
Having given you creation, He could not take it from you.
あなたの気違いじみた願いには正気の答えでもってお答えになれる だけであり、 その答えはあなたが正気でないときにも自分のなかに残っているは ずだ。
He could but answer your insane request with a sane answer that would abide with you in your insanity.
And this He did.
神の答えを耳にしたなら、 狂気のさたをあきらめようとしないものなどだれもいない。
No one who hears His answer but will give up insanity.
神の答は錯覚を越えた評価基準があるところなので、 それにしたがって錯覚を振りかえって見れば、 それが正気ではないと分かる。
For His answer is the reference point beyond illusions, from which you can look back on them and see them as insane.
こうした場はあなたが捜しさえすれば見つけられる。御愛はあなたのうちにあり、 それがあなたをそこへ導いてくれるのであるから。
But seek this place and you will find it, for Love is in you and will lead you there.
You may wonder why it is so crucial that you look upon your hatred and realise its full extent.
You may also think that it would be easy enough for the Holy Spirit to show it to you, and to dispel it without the need for you to raise it to awareness yourself.
Yet there is one more obstacle you have interposed between yourself and the Atonement.
We have said that no one will countenance fear if he recognises it.
Yet in your disordered state of mind you are not afraid of fear.
You do not like it, but it is not your desire to attack that really frightens you.
You are not seriously disturbed by your hostility.
You keep it hidden because you are more afraid of what it covers.
You could look even upon the ego's darkest cornerstone without fear if you did not believe that, without the ego, you would find within yourself something you fear even more.
You are not really afraid of crucifixion.
Your real terror is of redemption.
Under the ego's dark foundation is the memory of God, and it is of this that you are really afraid.
For this memory would instantly restore you to your proper place, and it is this place that you have sought to leave.
Your fear of attack is nothing compared to your fear of love.
You would be willing to look even upon your savage wish to kill God's Son, if you did not believe that it saves you from love.
For this wish caused the separation, and you have protected it because you do not want the separation healed.
You realise that, by removing the dark cloud that obscures it, your love for your Father would impel you to answer His call and leap into Heaven.
You believe that attack is salvation because it would prevent you from this.
For still deeper than the ego's foundation, and much stronger than it will ever be, is your intense and burning love of God, and His for you.
This is what you really want to hide.
In honesty, is it not harder for you to say 'I love' than 'I hate'?
You associate love with weakness and hatred with strength, and your own real power seems to you as your real weakness.
For you could not control your joyous response to the call of love if you heard it, and the whole world you thought you made would vanish.
The Holy Spirit, then, seems to be attacking your fortress, for you would shut out God, and He does not will to be excluded.
You have built your whole insane belief system because you think you would be helpless in God's Presence, and you would save yourself from His Love because you think it would crush you into nothingness.
You are afraid it would sweep you away from yourself and make you little, because you believe that magnitude lies in defiance, and that attack is grandeur.
You think you have made a world God would destroy; and by loving Him, which you do, you would throw this world away, which you would.
Therefore, you have used the world to cover your love, and the deeper you go into the blackness of the ego's foundation, the closer you come to the Love that is hidden there.
And it is this that frightens you.
You can accept insanity because you made it, but you cannot accept love because you did not.
You would rather be a slave of the crucifixion than a Son of God in redemption.
Your individual death seems more valuable than your living oneness, for what is given you is not so dear as what you made.
You are more afraid of God than of the ego, and love cannot enter where it is not welcome.
But hatred can, for it enters of its own volition and cares not for yours.
You must look upon your illusions and not keep them hidden, because they do not rest on their own foundation.
In concealment they appear to do so, and thus they seem to be self-sustained.
This is the fundamental illusion on which the others rest.
For beneath them, and concealed as long as they are hidden, is the loving mind that thought it made them in anger.
And the pain in this mind is so apparent, when it is uncovered, that its need of healing cannot be denied.
Not all the tricks and games you offer it can heal it, for here is the real crucifixion of God's Son.
And yet he is not crucified.
Here is both his pain and his healing, for the Holy Spirit's vision is merciful and His remedy is quick.
Do not hide suffering from His sight, but bring it gladly to Him.
Lay before His eternal sanity all your hurt, and let Him heal you.
Do not leave any spot of pain hidden from His Light, and search your mind carefully for any thoughts you may fear to uncover.
For He will heal every little thought you have kept to hurt you and cleanse it of its littleness, restoring it to the magnitude of God.
Beneath all the grandiosity you hold so dear is your real call for help.
For you call for love to your Father as your Father calls you to Himself.
In that place which you have hidden, you will only to unite with the Father, in loving remembrance of Him.
You will find this place of truth as you see it in your brothers, for though they may deceive themselves, like you they long for the grandeur that is in them.
And perceiving it you will welcome it, and it will be yours.
For grandeur is the right of God's Son, and no illusions can satisfy him or save him from what he is.
Only his love is real, and he will be content only with his reality.
Save him from his illusions that you may accept the magnitude of your Father in peace and joy.
But exempt no one from your love, or you will be hiding a dark place in your mind where the Holy Spirit is not welcome.
And thus you will exempt yourself from His healing power, for by not offering total love you will not be healed completely.
Healing must be as complete as fear, for love cannot enter where there is one spot of fear to mar its welcome.
You who prefer separation to sanity cannot obtain it in your right mind.
You were at peace until you asked for special favour.
And God did not give it for the request was alien to Him, and you could not ask this of a Father Who truly loved His Son.
Therefore you made of Him an unloving father, demanding of Him what only such a father could give.
And the peace of God's Son was shattered, for he no longer understood his Father.
He feared what he had made, but still more did he fear his real Father, having attacked his own glorious equality with Him.
In peace he needed nothing and asked for nothing.
In war he demanded everything and found nothing.
For how could the gentleness of love respond to his demands, except by departing in peace and returning to the Father?
If the Son did not wish to remain in peace, he could not remain at all.
For a darkened mind cannot live in the light, and it must seek a place of darkness where it can believe it is where it is not.
God did not allow this to happen.
Yet you demanded that it happen, and therefore believed that it was so.
To 'single out' is to 'make alone', and thus make lonely.
God did not do this to you.
Could He set you apart, knowing that your peace lies in His Oneness?
He denied you only your request for pain, for suffering is not of His creation.
Having given you creation, He could not take it from you.
He could but answer your insane request with a sane answer that would abide with you in your insanity.
And this He did.
No one who hears His answer but will give up insanity.
For His answer is the reference point beyond illusions, from which you can look back on them and see them as insane.
But seek this place and you will find it, for Love is in you and will lead you there.
13-2 罪なき神の子 The Guiltless Son of God
投影する究極的な目的は、いつも(無意識の奥底の) 罪責感から免れるためである。
The ultimate purpose of projection is always to get rid of guilt.
だが自我はこれまた典型的に、 そうした罪責感をただ自らの観点からみて取り除こうとする。それというのも自我が罪責感を保持したいと思えば思うほど、 あなたが自分はそれに耐えきれないと気づくのは確かなうえ、 そんな罪責感はあなたが神を思いだす邪魔になるし、 その神に引き付けられるような思いは非常に強く、 それにはあなたも抵抗できないからである。
Yet, characteristically, the ego attempts to get rid of guilt from its viewpoint only, for much as the ego wants to retain guilt you find it intolerable, since guilt stands in the way of your remembering God, Whose pull is so strong that you cannot resist it.
そこで、この点から最も深い分裂が起こってしまう。もしあなたが自我のいいはるように罪責感を抱き続けるとすれば、 あなたは自分自身でいられなくなってしまうのだから。
On this issue, then, the deepest split of all occurs, for if you are to retain guilt, as the ego insists, you cannot be you.
ただそれがあなただと説き伏せることで、 自我は何とかあなたに罪責感を投影するように仕向け、 そうすることであなたの心に罪責感を抱きつづけさせるわけである 。
Only by persuading you that it is you could the ego possibly induce you to project guilt, and thereby keep it in your mind.
しかし自我の取り決めがいかに奇妙な解決方かよく考えてみるがい い。
Yet consider how strange a solution the ego's arrangement is.
あなたは罪責感から免れるためにそれを投影するが、 実際には単に隠しているにすぎない。
You project guilt to get rid of it, but you are actually merely concealing it.
罪責感にさいなまれていることは確かだが、 どうしてなのか皆目見当もついていない。
You do experience the guilt, but you have no idea why.
それどころか、あなたはそれを寄せ集めの奇妙な「自我の理想」 とやらに結び付けて考えており、 自我はあなたがその理想を見捨てたのだと主張している。
On the contrary, you associate it with a weird assortment of 'ego ideals', which the ego claims you have failed.
だが、あなたは神の子を有罪だと見ていることで、 その神の子を見捨てているとは夢にも思っていない。
Yet you have no idea that you are failing the Son of God by seeing him as guilty.
自分をもはや自分ではないと信じるので、 あなたは自分自身を見捨てているという実感はないわけだ。
Believing you are no longer you, you do not realise that you are failing yourself.
あなたが罪責感を信じているということを自分で気づかないように と、 あなたの隠れた礎石の一番暗いところにその信念は留まっている。
The darkest of your hidden cornerstones holds your belief in guilt from your awareness.
というのは、その暗い秘密の場所にこそ、 自分が神の子に死の宣告をすることで、 本当にその神の子を裏切ってしまったという思いがあるからだ。
For in that dark and secret place is the realisation that you have betrayed God's Son by condemning him to death.
あなたはそこにこんな殺人的で気違いじみた考えが潜んでいるとは 疑ってさえいないが、自我の破壊的衝動は実に強烈なので、 神の子をはりつけにしないかぎり、究極的には治まらないだろう。
You do not even suspect this murderous but insane idea lies hidden there, for the ego's destructive urge is so intense that nothing short of the crucifixion of God's Son can ultimately satisfy it.
It does not know who the Son of God is because it is blind.
しかしどこかに罪なきすがたを知覚すると、 それに恐れを抱くので破壊しようとする。
Yet let it perceive guiltlessness anywhere, and it will try to destroy it because it is afraid.
自我の奇妙な振る舞いは、 たいてい自我が罪をどう定義しているかに直接もとづいている。
Much of the ego's strange behaviour is directly attributable to its definition of guilt.
To the ego, the guiltless are guilty.
攻撃しない者たちは自我の敵、 なぜなら救いについての自我の解釈を重んじないので、 それを今にも手放しそうだからである。
Those who do not attack are its 'enemies' because, by not valuing its interpretation of salvation, they are in an excellent position to let it go.
そのうえ自我の土台の最も暗く、 一番深いところにある礎石に近づいている。そこで自我はあなたがどんな質問をかかげようと逆らい通せるとは いえ、ある一つの秘密だけは生命をかけて守ろうとするわけだが、 それは自我の存在がこの秘密を保つことにかかっているからである 。
They have approached the darkest and deepest cornerstone in the ego's foundation, and while the ego can withstand your raising all else to question, it guards this one secret with its life, for its existence depends on keeping this secret.
そこで、我々はこの秘密をよく見てみなければならない。自我は真理に逆らってあなたを護れないし、 その真理を前にしては、 自我は払いのけられてしまうのであるから。
So it is this secret that we must look upon, for the ego cannot protect you against truth, and in its presence the ego is dispelled.
真理の穏やかな光のなかで、 あなたは自ら神の子をはりつけにしたものと信じているということ を認めようではないか。
In the calm light of truth, let us recognise that you believe you have crucified God's Son.
こんな「恐ろしい」秘密をあなたが認めていないというのは、 いまだにその神の子を見つけさえすれば、 はりつけにしたいと願っているからだ。
You have not admitted to this 'terrible' secret because you would still wish to crucify him if you could find him.
けれどもそんな願いが神の子をあなたから隠しているといえる。それは実に怖いことなので、 あなた自身その神の子を見つけるのを恐れているのであるから。
Yet the wish has hidden him from you because it is very fearful, and so you are afraid to find him.
こんな自分自身を殺したいという願いを、 あなたは自分がだれなのか知ろうとせずに、 何かほかのものと一体感を持つことで処理してきた。
You have handled this wish to kill yourself by not knowing who you are, and identifying with something else.
(無意識の奥底の) 罪責感を盲目的にそして見境なく投影してきたが、 その原因をつきとめてはいない。
You have projected guilt blindly and indiscriminately, but you have not uncovered its source.
それというのも自我は確かにあなたを殺したいと思っているし、 もしあなたがその自我と一体感を持つなら、 自我の目標は自分の目標だと信じるに違いないからである。
For the ego does want to kill you, and if you identify with it you must believe its goal is yours.
I have said that the crucifixion is the symbol of the ego.
自我が神の子の本当に罪のないすがたに直面したとき、 神の子を殺そうと企てたのは確かであり、 罪なきすがたなど神にたいする冒涜だということをその理由として あげた。
When it was confronted with the real guiltlessness of God's Son it did attempt to kill him, and the reason it gave was that guiltlessness is blasphemous to God.
自我にとっては、自我こそが神であり、 罪なきすがたとは殺すことさえ十分に正当化する決定的な罪だと解 釈されるべきこととする。
To the ego, the ego is God, and guiltlessness must be interpreted as the final guilt that fully justifies murder.
あなたは自分がこの奇跡のコースの教えに関して体験するかもしれ ない恐れは、 究極的にこんな解釈から生ずるとはまだ理解していないが、 もしそれにたいする自分の反応をよく考えてみれば、 たしかにその通りだと徐々に納得がいくようになる。
You do not yet understand that any fear you may experience in connection with this course stems ultimately from this interpretation, but if you will consider your reactions to it you will become increasingly convinced that this is so.
この奇跡のコースの教えは、あなたの幸せと平安を目標にする、 とはっきり述べている。
This course has explicitly stated that its goal for you is happiness and peace.
Yet you are afraid of it.
その教えがあなたを自由にしてくれると何度となく言い聞かされて きたにもかかわらず、まるで「 それがあなたを閉じ込めようとでもしている」 かのように反応することがある。
You have been told again and again that it will set you free, yet you sometimes react as if it is trying to imprison you.
自我の思考体系を退けるより、 もっとたやすくその教えをたびたび退けている。
You often dismiss it more readily than you dismiss the ego's thought system.
では、 あなたはこの奇跡のコースの教えを学ばないでいることで自分自身 を護っていると、ある程度信じているに違いない。
To some extent, then, you must believe that by not learning the course you are protecting yourself.
とすると、 自分には罪がないということだけが自分を護ってくれるのだとは悟 っていない。
And you do not realise that it is only your guiltlessness that can protect you.
贖罪(≒自我の「分離」 という間違った思い込みを聖霊によって取り消すこと、 それを進める聖霊の計画) とは罪責感から解放されることであると今まで解釈されてきたし、 これはよく理解されさえすれば正しい解釈になる。
The Atonement has always been interpreted as the release from guilt, and this is correct if it is understood.
けれども私がそれをあなたのために解釈したとしても、 あなたはそれを拒絶し、 自分自身のために受け入れないかもしれない。
Yet even when I interpret it for you, you may reject it and do not accept it for yourself.
おそらくあなたは、 自我とそれが差し出してくれるものなど無駄なものだと気づいただ ろうし、そんなものを望んではいないのだが、 それにとって代わるものを喜んで見てみる気はまだないかもしれな い。
You have perhaps recognised the futility of the ego and its offerings, but though you do not want them, you may not yet look upon the alternative with gladness.
極端な場合には、罪のあがないに恐れを抱き、 それは自分の死を意味するものと信じている。
In the extreme, you are afraid of redemption and you believe it will kill you.
Make no mistake about the depth of this fear.
そんなことを信じるがゆえに、 真理の面前で自分自身に突然攻撃の目を向け、 自らを破壊するかもしれないのであるから。
For you believe that, in the presence of truth you might turn on yourself and destroy yourself.
幼き者よ、あなたの(自我に基づいて)信じていることなど、 その通りだとはいえないのである。
Little child, this is not so.
あなたの「気をとがめる秘密」は取るに足らないことであり、 それをただ光へともたらしさえすれば、光によって払いのけられる。
Your 'guilty secret' is nothing, and if you will but bring it to the light, the Light will dispel it.
その後には、 あなたの御父の記憶をさまたげる暗雲など残りはしない。あなたは罪なき御子を思い出すし、 その御子は不滅なので死んではいないのだから。
And then no dark cloud will remain between you and the remembrance of your Father, for you will remember His guiltless Son, who did not die because he is immortal.
また、自分はその御子と共に贖われており、 決して別々になってはいないと分かってくる。
And you will see that you were redeemed with him, and have never been separated from him.
こうしたことを理解するうちに、 自分の記憶にあることを思いだせる。それこそ愛を恐れずに再認するということであるから。
In this understanding lies your remembering, for it is the recognition of love without fear.
天国では、 あなたが戻ってくるというので大きな喜びで満たされるし、 その喜びはあなたのものにもなるであろう。
There will be great joy in Heaven on your homecoming, and the joy will be yours.
罪をあがなわれた人の子はすなわち罪なき神の子なのだから、 その神の子を認めることこそあなた自身あがなわれるということで ある。
For the redeemed son of man is the guiltless Son of God, and to recognise him is your redemption.
The ultimate purpose of projection is always to get rid of guilt.
Yet, characteristically, the ego attempts to get rid of guilt from its viewpoint only, for much as the ego wants to retain guilt you find it intolerable, since guilt stands in the way of your remembering God, Whose pull is so strong that you cannot resist it.
On this issue, then, the deepest split of all occurs, for if you are to retain guilt, as the ego insists, you cannot be you.
Only by persuading you that it is you could the ego possibly induce you to project guilt, and thereby keep it in your mind.
Yet consider how strange a solution the ego's arrangement is.
You project guilt to get rid of it, but you are actually merely concealing it.
You do experience the guilt, but you have no idea why.
On the contrary, you associate it with a weird assortment of 'ego ideals', which the ego claims you have failed.
Yet you have no idea that you are failing the Son of God by seeing him as guilty.
Believing you are no longer you, you do not realise that you are failing yourself.
The darkest of your hidden cornerstones holds your belief in guilt from your awareness.
For in that dark and secret place is the realisation that you have betrayed God's Son by condemning him to death.
You do not even suspect this murderous but insane idea lies hidden there, for the ego's destructive urge is so intense that nothing short of the crucifixion of God's Son can ultimately satisfy it.
It does not know who the Son of God is because it is blind.
Yet let it perceive guiltlessness anywhere, and it will try to destroy it because it is afraid.
Much of the ego's strange behaviour is directly attributable to its definition of guilt.
To the ego, the guiltless are guilty.
Those who do not attack are its 'enemies' because, by not valuing its interpretation of salvation, they are in an excellent position to let it go.
They have approached the darkest and deepest cornerstone in the ego's foundation, and while the ego can withstand your raising all else to question, it guards this one secret with its life, for its existence depends on keeping this secret.
So it is this secret that we must look upon, for the ego cannot protect you against truth, and in its presence the ego is dispelled.
In the calm light of truth, let us recognise that you believe you have crucified God's Son.
You have not admitted to this 'terrible' secret because you would still wish to crucify him if you could find him.
Yet the wish has hidden him from you because it is very fearful, and so you are afraid to find him.
You have handled this wish to kill yourself by not knowing who you are, and identifying with something else.
You have projected guilt blindly and indiscriminately, but you have not uncovered its source.
For the ego does want to kill you, and if you identify with it you must believe its goal is yours.
I have said that the crucifixion is the symbol of the ego.
When it was confronted with the real guiltlessness of God's Son it did attempt to kill him, and the reason it gave was that guiltlessness is blasphemous to God.
To the ego, the ego is God, and guiltlessness must be interpreted as the final guilt that fully justifies murder.
You do not yet understand that any fear you may experience in connection with this course stems ultimately from this interpretation, but if you will consider your reactions to it you will become increasingly convinced that this is so.
This course has explicitly stated that its goal for you is happiness and peace.
Yet you are afraid of it.
You have been told again and again that it will set you free, yet you sometimes react as if it is trying to imprison you.
You often dismiss it more readily than you dismiss the ego's thought system.
To some extent, then, you must believe that by not learning the course you are protecting yourself.
And you do not realise that it is only your guiltlessness that can protect you.
The Atonement has always been interpreted as the release from guilt, and this is correct if it is understood.
Yet even when I interpret it for you, you may reject it and do not accept it for yourself.
You have perhaps recognised the futility of the ego and its offerings, but though you do not want them, you may not yet look upon the alternative with gladness.
In the extreme, you are afraid of redemption and you believe it will kill you.
Make no mistake about the depth of this fear.
For you believe that, in the presence of truth you might turn on yourself and destroy yourself.
Little child, this is not so.
Your 'guilty secret' is nothing, and if you will but bring it to the light, the Light will dispel it.
And then no dark cloud will remain between you and the remembrance of your Father, for you will remember His guiltless Son, who did not die because he is immortal.
And you will see that you were redeemed with him, and have never been separated from him.
In this understanding lies your remembering, for it is the recognition of love without fear.
There will be great joy in Heaven on your homecoming, and the joy will be yours.
For the redeemed son of man is the guiltless Son of God, and to recognise him is your redemption.
13-1 罪なきすがた‐傷つけられざる状態 Guiltlessness and Invulnerability
以前私が述べたように、 聖霊はすぐれた教師だれもが抱く目標を分かち合っており、 そうした教師たちは究極的に自分の知っていることをすべて生徒に 教えて、自分を必要とされなくなろうとする。
Earlier, I said that the Holy Spirit shares the goal of all good teachers, whose ultimate aim is to make themselves unnecessary by teaching their pupils all they know.
聖霊はただそうなることを望んでいるし、 御父の御子にたいする愛を分かち合うので、 御子の心から罪責感をみな取り去って、 御子が自分の御父を平安のうちに思い出せるようにしようと努める 。
The Holy Spirit wants only this, for sharing the Father's Love for His Son, He seeks to remove all guilt from his mind that he may remember his Father in peace.
平安と罪責感とは正反対であり、 心に安らぎがあるときにのみ御父を思い出せる。
Peace and guilt are antithetical, and the Father can be remembered only in peace.
愛と罪責感を同時に抱くことはできないから、 一方を受け入れるともう一方を否定することになる。
Love and guilt cannot coexist, and to accept one is to deny the other.
罪責感であなたの目にはキリストが見えなくなるが、 それはそんな思いが神の子は非難されるところなどない状態にある ことを否認するからである。
Guilt hides Christ from your sight, for it is the denial of the blamelessness of God's Son.
あなたが作った奇妙な世界のなかでは、 確かに神の子は罪を犯している。
In the strange world that you have made the Son of God has sinned.
How could you see him, then?
神の子を目に見えなくしたことで、 その報いとして世界が黒い雲のような罪責感から現れたのだが、 そんな罪責感をあなたは自分のものとして受け入れ胸に秘めている 。
By making him invisible, the world of retribution rose in the black cloud of guilt that you accepted, and you hold it dear.
キリストの潔白さが、自我は絶対に無かったし、 決して有り得ないと証明してくれる。
For the blamelessness of Christ is the proof that the ego never was, and can never be.
罪責感なくしては自我に生命はないのだし、 神の子に罪責感がないということは確かである。
Without guilt the ego has no life, and God's Son is without guilt.
あなたが自分自身をよく見て自分のしていることを正直に判断すれ ば、罪の無い身だとどうして言えるだろうか、 といぶかりたくもなるかもしれない。
As you look upon yourself and judge what you do honestly, you may be tempted to wonder how you can be guiltless.
Yet consider this:
時間のなかではあなたに罪がないとは言い難いが、 永遠においては、罪はないといえる。
You are not guiltless in time, but in eternity.
過去に「罪を犯した」とのことだが、 過去というものはないのである。
You have 'sinned' in the past, but there is no past.
Always has no direction.
時間は一つの方向に向かうように思えるが、 あなたがその終点に達したなら、 それはまるで後にした過去にそって広がった長いじゅうたんが巻上 がるようにくるくるっと丸くなり、消え失せるだろう。
Time seems to go in one direction, but when you reach its end it will roll up like a long carpet spread along the past behind you, and will disappear.
神の子に罪があると信じるかぎり、 あなたはこのじゅうたんは死にいたるものと信じつつ、 それに沿って歩むことだろう。
As long as you believe the Son of God is guilty you will walk along this carpet, believing that it leads to death.
そのうち「こんな旅路は長くて残酷なうえばかげている」 ように思えてくる。まさにその通りなのだから。
And the journey will seem long and cruel and senseless, for so it is.
神の子が自ら出発した旅路は実に無益なものだが、 御父が御子に出発させられる旅路は解放される喜びを味わえる旅と なる。
The journey the Son of God has set himself is useless indeed, but the journey on which his Father sets him is one of release and joy.
御父は残酷な存在ではないし、 御子は自分自身を傷つけることなどできない。
The Father is not cruel, and His Son cannot hurt himself.
報復されるものと恐れたり、 されているものとみなしたりすることでも決して御子に害をおよぼ しはしない。たとえ御子がそんなことを信じるとしても、 聖霊は真実ではないと分かっているのだから。
The retaliation that he fears and that he sees will never touch him, for although he believes in it the Holy Spirit knows it is not true.
聖霊は時間の終わりに立っているが、 聖霊はあなたと共にあるのだからあなたもそこにいるに違いない。
The Holy Spirit stands at the end of time, where you must be because He is with you.
聖霊は神の子にふさわしくないものをすでにことごとく取り消して いる。そうすることが神から与えられた使命だったのであるから。
He has already undone everything unworthy of the Son of God, for such was His mission, given Him by God.
And what God gives has always been.
あなたは「神の子に罪はない」と分かるにつれて、 私を見るようになる。
You will see me as you learn the Son of God is guiltless.
神の子はいつも自分の罪なきすがたを捜し求めてきたし、 それを見出したわけだ。
He has always sought his guiltlessness, and he has found it.
だれもが皆、自分で作ってしまった(自我の) 牢獄から逃げだそうとしているのだし、 そこから解放される道を与えられていないわけではないのだから。
For everyone is seeking to escape from the prison he has made, and the way to find release is not denied him.
Being in him, he has found it.
いつ見出すか、それはただ時間の問題であり、 その時間も錯覚にすぎない。
When he finds it is only a matter of time, and time is but an illusion.
神の子には『今罪がない』のだから、 自らのもつ純粋さは永久に神の御心のなかで、 もとのままのあざやかさで輝いている。
For the Son of God is guiltless now, and the brightness of his purity shines untouched forever in God's Mind.
God's Son will always be as he was created.
あなたは自分の(自我の投影された)世界をこそ否定し、 神の子に審きを下さないでおくことだ。その御子の永遠に罪なきすがたは御父の御心のなかにあり、 それが神の子を永久に護るのであるから。
Deny your world and judge him not, for his eternal guiltlessness is in the Mind of his Father, and protects him forever.
あなたは自分自身のために贖罪(≒自我の「分離」 という間違った思い込みを聖霊によって取り消すこと、 それを進める聖霊の計画)を受け入れた暁に、 神の子に罪はないと悟るだろう。
When you have accepted the Atonement for yourself, you will realise there is no guilt in God's Son.
そしてただ神の子は潔白だとみなすなら、 神の子は一つであるということも理解できる。
And only as you look upon him as guiltless can you understand his oneness.
罪の想念をもつゆえに、 ある人が他の人に罪の宣告をすることを信じるようになり、 統一するかわりに分離を投影することになるのだから。
For the idea of guilt brings a belief in condemnation of one by another, projecting separation in place of unity.
あなたはただ自分自身に罪の宣告ができるだけであり、 そんなことをするので自分が神の子だとは分からなくなってしまう 。
You can condemn only yourself, and by so doing you cannot know that you are God's Son.
神の子の本質、 すなわち全く罪のないすがたというものを否認したということだ。
You have denied the condition of his being, which is his perfect blamelessness.
神の子は愛によって創造されたのであり、 愛のうちにとどまっている。
Out of love he was created, and in love he abides.
Goodness and mercy have always followed him, for he has always extended the Love of his Father.
あなたは共に旅する聖なる仲間たちのことがわかってくるにつれて 、旅路というものはないし、あるのは「ただ目覚めることだけだ」 と悟るだろう。
As you perceive the holy companions who travel with you, you will realise that there is no journey, but only an awakening.
眠りにつくことのない神の子が、 あなたのために御父と共に信じつづけてきた。
The Son of God, who sleepeth not, has kept faith with his Father for you.
There is no road to travel on, and no time to travel through.
神はただの一時も御子がいないままにしておくつもりなどないので 、その御子を時間のうちで待ったりしないのであるから。
For God waits not for His Son in time, being forever unwilling to be without him.
And so it has always been.
あなたの心を暗くする自責の念をもたらす雲など、 神の子の神聖さをもって照らし消滅させてしまうがいい。そしてその神の子の純粋さを自分のものとして受け入れることで、 それは確かに自分のものだということを神の子から学んでほしい。
Let the holiness of God's Son shine away the cloud of guilt that darkens your mind, and by accepting his purity as yours, learn of him that it is yours.
You are invulnerable because you are guiltless.
「過去にしがみついている」とすれば、それは「 ただ罪責感を抱いている」からだ。
You can hold on to the past only through guilt.
そんな罪責感があると、 自分のしでかしたことにたいして罰を受けるものと決め込んでしま い、 かくして一次元的時間に依存し過去から未来へと進むことになる。
For guilt establishes that you will be punished for what you have done, and thus depends on one-dimensional time, proceeding from past to future.
こんなことを信じていては、「常に」 とは何を意味するのかだれも理解できない。したがって罪責感があなたに永久不滅のものの真価を認められなく してしまうに相違ない。
No one who believes this can understand what 'always' means, and therefore guilt must deprive you of the appreciation of eternity.
あなたは永遠なるものなのだから不滅であり、「常に」 とはきっと『今』のことだ。
You are immortal because you are eternal, and 'always' must be now.
では、罪責感はあなたの心のなかに過去と未来をとどめておき、 自我の継続性を確保する方法といえる。
Guilt, then, is a way of holding past and future in your mind to ensure the ego's continuity.
過ぎ去ったことが罰せられるようになるとすれば、 自我の継続を保証されるわけだから。
For if what has been will be punished, the ego's continuity is guaranteed.
Yet the guarantee of your continuity is God's, not the ego's.
それに不滅性は時間とは反対。なぜなら時間は過ぎ去るが、 不滅性は変ることなく続くのであるから。
And immortality is the opposite of time, for time passes away, while immortality is constant.
贖罪(≒自我の「分離」 という間違った思い込みを聖霊によって取り消すこと、 それを進める聖霊の計画)を受け入れると、 不滅であるとはどういうことなのかを学べる。それは自分に罪がないということを受け入れれば、 過去は全然なかったと分かるので未来は不必要となり、 なくなってしまうからである。
Accepting the Atonement teaches you what immortality is, for by accepting your guiltlessness you learn that the past has never been, and so the future is needless and will not be.
時間においては、 未来は罪滅ぼしするためのものと考えるのが常だし、 ただ罪責感が罪滅ぼしをしなければいけないという思いを引き起こ すことがあるだけだ。
The future, in time, is always associated with expiation, and only guilt could induce a sense of a need for expiation.
したがってあなたが神の子の罪なきすがたを自分のものとして受け 入れるようになるのは、神が、 あなたに御子とその御子が本当に何であるか、 それを気づかせようとするやり方といえる。
Accepting the guiltlessness of the Son of God as yours is therefore God's way of reminding you of His Son, and what he is in truth.
なぜなら、神は決して御子に罪の宣告をしてなどいないし、 罪がないのなら、 御子は永遠なるものだということになるからである。
For God has never condemned His Son, and being guiltless he is eternal.
罪を犯したのは本当だとしておいて、後でその償いをし、 罪責感をぬぐい去ろうとしても、そんなことはできはしない。
You cannot dispel guilt by making it real, and then atoning for it.
これこそ自我のもくろみであって、 ぬぐい去るどころかそれを抱かせようとする。
This is the ego's plan, which it offers instead of dispelling it.
自我は攻撃することで罪を償えるものと信じているが、 それは攻撃によって救われると、 全く本気で気違いじみたことを考えているからだ。
The ego believes in atonement through attack, being fully committed to the insane notion that attack is salvation.
罪責感を抱いているあなたもきっとそんなことを信じるのだろう。自我と一体感を持たずに、 自分の欲しくないものを大事にするはずはないだろうから。
And you who cherish guilt must also believe it, for how else but by identifying with the ego could you hold dear what you do not want?
自我は、あなたは有罪なのだから自分自身を攻撃するように、 とあなたに教えるのであり、 その言いなりになると罪責感は増すに違いないが、 それは攻撃するとそれを感じてしまうからだ。
The ego teaches you to attack yourself because you are guilty, and this must increase the guilt, for guilt is the result of attack.
In the ego's teaching, then, there is no escape from guilt.
攻撃すると罪責感を本当に抱くことになるし、 もしそれが本当の思いなら、 それを乗り越える方法などないのは確かであるから。
For attack makes guilt real, and if it is real there is no way to overcome it.
聖霊は単にそんなことがあったためしはないと冷静に認識し、 罪責感をぬぐい去ってくれる。
The Holy Spirit dispels it simply through the calm recognition that it has never been.
As He looks upon the guiltless Son of God, He knows that this is true.
こうしたことはあなたにとっても真実であり、 罪責感なくして攻撃するのは不可能なのだから、 あなたが自分を攻撃するはずがない。
And being true for you, you cannot attack yourself, for without guilt attack is impossible.
You, then, are saved because God's Son is guiltless.
And being wholly pure, you are invulnerable.
Earlier, I said that the Holy Spirit shares the goal of all good teachers, whose ultimate aim is to make themselves unnecessary by teaching their pupils all they know.
The Holy Spirit wants only this, for sharing the Father's Love for His Son, He seeks to remove all guilt from his mind that he may remember his Father in peace.
Peace and guilt are antithetical, and the Father can be remembered only in peace.
Love and guilt cannot coexist, and to accept one is to deny the other.
Guilt hides Christ from your sight, for it is the denial of the blamelessness of God's Son.
In the strange world that you have made the Son of God has sinned.
How could you see him, then?
By making him invisible, the world of retribution rose in the black cloud of guilt that you accepted, and you hold it dear.
For the blamelessness of Christ is the proof that the ego never was, and can never be.
Without guilt the ego has no life, and God's Son is without guilt.
As you look upon yourself and judge what you do honestly, you may be tempted to wonder how you can be guiltless.
Yet consider this:
You are not guiltless in time, but in eternity.
You have 'sinned' in the past, but there is no past.
Always has no direction.
Time seems to go in one direction, but when you reach its end it will roll up like a long carpet spread along the past behind you, and will disappear.
As long as you believe the Son of God is guilty you will walk along this carpet, believing that it leads to death.
And the journey will seem long and cruel and senseless, for so it is.
The journey the Son of God has set himself is useless indeed, but the journey on which his Father sets him is one of release and joy.
The Father is not cruel, and His Son cannot hurt himself.
The retaliation that he fears and that he sees will never touch him, for although he believes in it the Holy Spirit knows it is not true.
The Holy Spirit stands at the end of time, where you must be because He is with you.
He has already undone everything unworthy of the Son of God, for such was His mission, given Him by God.
And what God gives has always been.
You will see me as you learn the Son of God is guiltless.
He has always sought his guiltlessness, and he has found it.
For everyone is seeking to escape from the prison he has made, and the way to find release is not denied him.
Being in him, he has found it.
When he finds it is only a matter of time, and time is but an illusion.
For the Son of God is guiltless now, and the brightness of his purity shines untouched forever in God's Mind.
God's Son will always be as he was created.
Deny your world and judge him not, for his eternal guiltlessness is in the Mind of his Father, and protects him forever.
When you have accepted the Atonement for yourself, you will realise there is no guilt in God's Son.
And only as you look upon him as guiltless can you understand his oneness.
For the idea of guilt brings a belief in condemnation of one by another, projecting separation in place of unity.
You can condemn only yourself, and by so doing you cannot know that you are God's Son.
You have denied the condition of his being, which is his perfect blamelessness.
Out of love he was created, and in love he abides.
Goodness and mercy have always followed him, for he has always extended the Love of his Father.
As you perceive the holy companions who travel with you, you will realise that there is no journey, but only an awakening.
The Son of God, who sleepeth not, has kept faith with his Father for you.
There is no road to travel on, and no time to travel through.
For God waits not for His Son in time, being forever unwilling to be without him.
And so it has always been.
Let the holiness of God's Son shine away the cloud of guilt that darkens your mind, and by accepting his purity as yours, learn of him that it is yours.
You are invulnerable because you are guiltless.
You can hold on to the past only through guilt.
For guilt establishes that you will be punished for what you have done, and thus depends on one-dimensional time, proceeding from past to future.
No one who believes this can understand what 'always' means, and therefore guilt must deprive you of the appreciation of eternity.
You are immortal because you are eternal, and 'always' must be now.
Guilt, then, is a way of holding past and future in your mind to ensure the ego's continuity.
For if what has been will be punished, the ego's continuity is guaranteed.
Yet the guarantee of your continuity is God's, not the ego's.
And immortality is the opposite of time, for time passes away, while immortality is constant.
Accepting the Atonement teaches you what immortality is, for by accepting your guiltlessness you learn that the past has never been, and so the future is needless and will not be.
The future, in time, is always associated with expiation, and only guilt could induce a sense of a need for expiation.
Accepting the guiltlessness of the Son of God as yours is therefore God's way of reminding you of His Son, and what he is in truth.
For God has never condemned His Son, and being guiltless he is eternal.
You cannot dispel guilt by making it real, and then atoning for it.
This is the ego's plan, which it offers instead of dispelling it.
The ego believes in atonement through attack, being fully committed to the insane notion that attack is salvation.
And you who cherish guilt must also believe it, for how else but by identifying with the ego could you hold dear what you do not want?
The ego teaches you to attack yourself because you are guilty, and this must increase the guilt, for guilt is the result of attack.
In the ego's teaching, then, there is no escape from guilt.
For attack makes guilt real, and if it is real there is no way to overcome it.
The Holy Spirit dispels it simply through the calm recognition that it has never been.
As He looks upon the guiltless Son of God, He knows that this is true.
And being true for you, you cannot attack yourself, for without guilt attack is impossible.
You, then, are saved because God's Son is guiltless.
And being wholly pure, you are invulnerable.
13-0 序論 Introduction
If you did not feel guilty you could not attack, for condemnation is the root of attack.
それはある心が別の心にたいして、 愛に値せず罰せられて当然だと審きを下すということ。
It is the judgement of one mind by another as unworthy of love and deserving of punishment.
But herein lies the split.
審く心はそれ自体、審かれる心とは別々だと知覚しており、 他のを罰することで、 自らは罰せられずにすむと信じているのだから。
For the mind that judges perceives itself as separate from the mind being judged, believing that by punishing another, it will escape punishment.
こんなことはすべて、そんな心が自らを否定したうえで、 それにともなう刑罰を逃れようとする妄想的な試みにすぎない。
All this is but the delusional attempt of the mind to deny itself, and escape the penalty of denial.
否認するのをやめようとするのではなく、 そうし続けようとしているのだ。
It is not an attempt to relinquish denial, but to hold on to it.
あなたにとって御父がわかりにくくなったのは罪責感のためであり 、あなたを狂気に陥らせたのも罪責感だといえる。
For it is guilt that has obscured the Father to you, and it is guilt that has driven you insane.
神の子が心に罪責感を受け入れてしまったのが分離の始まりであっ て、同様に贖罪を受け入れさえすればその分離は終る。
The acceptance of guilt into the mind of God's Son was the beginning of the separation, as the acceptance of the Atonement is its end.
あなたが見ている世界は、 罪責感で発狂した者たちによる妄想的体制そのもの。
The world you see is the delusional system of those made mad by guilt.
Look carefully at this world, and you will realise that this is so.
この世界は刑罰を受けているような思いを象徴するものだし、 支配しているらしき法則など、 どれもみな死につながる法則であるから。
For this world is the symbol of punishment, and all the laws that seem to govern it are the laws of death.
Children are born into it through pain and in pain.
Their growth is attended by suffering, and they learn of sorrow and separation and death.
そうした子供たちの心は脳のなかに閉じ込められているようだし、 その働きはからだが傷つくと衰えるように思える。
Their minds seem to be trapped in their brain, and its powers to decline if their bodies are hurt.
子供たちは愛しているらしいとはいえども、 見捨てることもあれば見捨てられることもある。
They seem to love, yet they desert and are deserted.
自分の愛するものを失うことになるという思いをもつらしいが、 たぶんこれこそ最も気違いじみた信念だろう。
They appear to lose what they love, perhaps the most insane belief of all.
そのうえからだはみずみずしさを失い、息が切れ、埋葬され、 それで一巻の終わり。
And their bodies wither and gasp and are laid in the ground, and are no more.
Not one of them but has thought that God is cruel.
If this were the real world, God would be cruel.
父たる御方が救いの値いとしてわが子をこんな目にあわせておいて 、愛しているふりをするはずがない。
For no Father could subject His children to this as the price of salvation and be loving.
Love does not kill to save.
もし、するとすれば攻撃は救いにつながることになるが、 これは自我の解釈であって神の解釈ではない。
If it did, attack would be salvation, and this is the ego's interpretation, not God's.
罪責感から成り立つ世界だけがこんなことを強要しかねない、 身に覚えのあるものだけがそんなことを思い付けるのだろうから。
Only the world of guilt could demand this, for only the guilty could conceive of it.
アダムが自分を楽園から追い出したのは御父だと信じこみさえしな かったなら、アダムの「罪」 はだれにも影響を及ぼしはしなかっただろうに。
Adam's 'sin' could have touched no one, had he not believed it was the Father Who drove him out of paradise.
御父を理解できない者たちだけがそんなことを信じることができた のだろうし、信じたがために御父の叡知を失ったのであるから。
For in that belief the knowledge of the Father was lost, since only those who do not understand Him could believe it.
This world is a picture of the crucifixion of God's Son.
そしてあなたは神の子がはりつけにされるはずがないと悟るまで、 こんな世界を見ることになる。
And until you realise that God's Son cannot be crucified, this is the world you will see.
しかも神の子に罪はないという永遠の事実を受け入れないかぎり、 こうしたことを悟らないだろう。
Yet you will not realise this until you accept the eternal fact that God's Son is not guilty.
神の子はただ愛だけを与えられているのだから、 その愛だけを受けるに値する。
He deserves only love because he has given only love.
決して有罪の判決を下してはいないので、 それを受けるはずもない。
He cannot be condemned because he has never condemned.
贖罪が神の子は絶対に罪を犯していないので、 救いの必要もないと教えてくれるのだから、 これこそ神の子が最終的に学ぶべき教訓である。
The Atonement is the final lesson he need learn, for it teaches him that, never having sinned, he has no need of salvation.
If you did not feel guilty you could not attack, for condemnation is the root of attack.
It is the judgement of one mind by another as unworthy of love and deserving of punishment.
But herein lies the split.
For the mind that judges perceives itself as separate from the mind being judged, believing that by punishing another, it will escape punishment.
All this is but the delusional attempt of the mind to deny itself, and escape the penalty of denial.
It is not an attempt to relinquish denial, but to hold on to it.
For it is guilt that has obscured the Father to you, and it is guilt that has driven you insane.
The acceptance of guilt into the mind of God's Son was the beginning of the separation, as the acceptance of the Atonement is its end.
The world you see is the delusional system of those made mad by guilt.
Look carefully at this world, and you will realise that this is so.
For this world is the symbol of punishment, and all the laws that seem to govern it are the laws of death.
Children are born into it through pain and in pain.
Their growth is attended by suffering, and they learn of sorrow and separation and death.
Their minds seem to be trapped in their brain, and its powers to decline if their bodies are hurt.
They seem to love, yet they desert and are deserted.
They appear to lose what they love, perhaps the most insane belief of all.
And their bodies wither and gasp and are laid in the ground, and are no more.
Not one of them but has thought that God is cruel.
If this were the real world, God would be cruel.
For no Father could subject His children to this as the price of salvation and be loving.
Love does not kill to save.
If it did, attack would be salvation, and this is the ego's interpretation, not God's.
Only the world of guilt could demand this, for only the guilty could conceive of it.
Adam's 'sin' could have touched no one, had he not believed it was the Father Who drove him out of paradise.
For in that belief the knowledge of the Father was lost, since only those who do not understand Him could believe it.
This world is a picture of the crucifixion of God's Son.
And until you realise that God's Son cannot be crucified, this is the world you will see.
Yet you will not realise this until you accept the eternal fact that God's Son is not guilty.
He deserves only love because he has given only love.
He cannot be condemned because he has never condemned.
The Atonement is the final lesson he need learn, for it teaches him that, never having sinned, he has no need of salvation.
12-8 愛にたいする愛の魅力 The Attraction of Love for Love
あなたは本当に、 神の子を殺すことができると信じているのだろうか。
Do you really believe that you can kill the Son of God?
御父は御子を安全に自分のうちにかくまい、 あなたの破壊的な思いなどから遠く離れたところにおいてくれてい る。しかしあなたはそんな思いのために御父ばかりか御子もわからなく なっている。
The Father has hidden His Son safely within Himself, and kept him far away from your destructive thoughts, but you know neither the Father nor the Son because of them.
実相の世界を毎日、一時間ごと、 いや一分ごとに攻撃しておきながら、 自分にはそれを見ることができないのを意外に思っている。
You attack the real world every day and every hour and minute, and yet you are surprised that you cannot see it.
もしあなたが愛を求めているとしても、 それはその愛を攻撃する為だとすれば、 絶対に愛を見出すことはないであろう。
If you seek love in order to attack it, you will never find it.
愛とは分かち合うことだとすれば、 愛そのものを通してそれを見つける以外にどうやって見つけられる だろうか。
For if love is sharing, how can you find it except through itself?
Offer it and it will come to you, because it is drawn to itself.
だが、攻撃しようとすると隠れたままになる。なぜなら愛はただ平安のうちに生きることができるだけだからであ る。
But offer attack and love will remain hidden, for it can live only in peace.
神の子は御父と同じように安全である、 御子は御父に護られていると分かっており、 恐れるはずがないのだから。
God's Son is as safe as his Father, for the Son knows his Father's protection and cannot fear.
御父の愛が申し分のない平安のうちに御子をおいており、 何も必要としないので何も頼んだりすることもない。
His Father's Love holds him in perfect peace, and needing nothing, he asks for nothing.
けれども御子は、あなたの真の自己でありながら、 あなたからは遠い存在だ。それはあなたがその御子を攻撃することを選んだので、 あなたのまえから御父のなかへとすがたを消したからだ。
Yet he is far from you whose Self he is, for you chose to attack him and he disappeared from your sight into his Father.
その御子が変わったのではなくて、 あなたが変わったということだ。
He did not change, but you did.
分裂した心とそれがしたことはすべて、 御父によって創造されたものではないし、 御父の叡知のうちに生存することはできないのである。
For a split mind and all its works were not created by the Father, and could not live in the knowledge of Him.
あなたが真実でないものを肉眼で見えるようにしたとき、 真実であるものが自分に見えなくなってしまったのである。
When you made visible what is not true, what is true became invisible to you.
Yet it cannot be invisible in itself, for the Holy Spirit sees it with perfect clarity.
あなたに見えないというのは何か他のものに目を向けているからで ある。
It is invisible to you because you are looking at something else.
さらに、何が実在なのかをあなたが決めるのではないのと同じで、 何が目に見えて何が見えないのかをあなたが決めるのではない。
Yet it is no more up to you to decide what is visible and what is invisible, than it is up to you to decide what reality is.
What can be seen is what the Holy Spirit sees.
The definition of reality is God's, not yours.
He created it, and He knows what it is.
あなたは分かっていたのに忘れているので、 神があなたに思い出す手段を与えてくれていなかったなら、 あなた自身それを忘れ去る運命になっていたことだろう。
You who knew have forgotten, and unless He had given you a way to remember you would have condemned yourself to oblivion.
御父の愛のお蔭であなたは決して神を忘れることなどありえない 。だれ一人、 神自らその人の記憶に納めたものを忘れることができるもの はいないのであるから。
Because of your Father's Love you can never forget Him, for no one can forget what God Himself placed in his memory.
You can deny it, but you cannot lose it.
御声はあなたが尋ねる質問に一つ残らず答えてくれるし、 洞察力はあなたの見るあらゆるものについて知覚のしかたを直して くれる。
A Voice will answer every question you ask, and a vision will correct the perception of everything you see.
というのもあなたが見えなくしているものが唯一の真理であり、 聞き入れていないことが唯一の答えであるから。
For what you have made invisible is the only truth, and what you have not heard is the only Answer.
神はあなたをあなた自身と再び一つにしてくれるし、 あなたが悩んでいるときに見捨てるようなことはしなかった。
God would reunite you with yourself, and did not abandon you in your distress.
You are waiting only for Him, and do not know it.
けれどもその神の思い出はあなたの心のなかに輝いており、 完全に忘れられてしまうことなど有り得ない。
Yet His memory shines in your mind and cannot be obliterated.
それは未来のことではないし、同様に過ぎ去ったことでもない、 常に永遠なるものであるから。
It is no more past than future, being forever always.
You have but to ask for this memory, and you will remember.
けれども神の思い出をすっかり忘れてしまい、 そのままにしておきたいと望んでいる心のなかでは、 その思い出が輝くことなどできない。
Yet the memory of God cannot shine in a mind that has obliterated it and wants to keep it so.
神の思い出はそれを思い出すことを選び、 実在を制御したいという気違いじみた欲望を放棄した心のなかにの み、よみがえりはじめるはずであるから。
For the memory of God can dawn only in a mind that chooses to remember, and that has relinquished the insane desire to control reality.
自分自身を制御することさえできないものは、 宇宙を制御するという野望などまず抱くべきではない。
You who cannot even control yourself should hardly aspire to control the universe.
ただ自分でそれを何だと思っていたかを見てみて、 思い違いしていたということを喜んでほしい。
But look upon what you have made of it, and rejoice that it is not so.
Son of God, be not content with nothing!
本当でないものは見ることなどできないし、 それには何の価値もない。
What is not real cannot be seen and has no value.
神は御子に価値の無いものを差し伸べたりするはずがないばかりか 、御子はそれを受け取ることもできはしない。
God could not offer His Son what has no value, nor could His Son receive it.
You were redeemed the instant you thought you had deserted Him.
自分で作ったものはどれもみなあったためしはないし、 目には見えない、聖霊はそんなものを見ないのだから。
Everything you made has never been, and is invisible because the Holy Spirit does not see it.
けれども聖霊が確かに見ているものをあなたもながめることになり 、その聖霊の洞察力を通して、あなたが知覚していることは( 真に)癒される。
Yet what He does see is yours to behold, and through His vision your perception is healed.
You have made invisible the only truth that this world holds.
Valuing nothing, you have sought nothing.
実存しないものを自分にとって本当だとすることで、 そんなものを見えるとしている。
By making nothing real to you, you have seen it.
But it is not there.
そしてあなたが自分自身に見えるようにしているもののために、 キリストがあなたの目には見えないのである。
And Christ is invisible to you because of what you have made visible to yourself.
けれどもあなたが、 真理とそれにたいする自分の自覚との間にどれほどの隔たりを挿入 したとしても、それは問題ではない。
Yet it does not matter how much distance you have tried to interpose between your awareness and truth.
神の子の洞察力は分かち合われているので御子を見ることはできる 。
God's Son can be seen because his vision is shared.
聖霊はその御子を見つめ、 あなたのなかにそれ以外のものは何も見ないのである。
The Holy Spirit looks upon him, and sees nothing else in you.
あなたの目に見えないものが、聖霊から見れば完全であるし、 そうしたものをみな包含している。
What is invisible to you is perfect in His sight, and encompasses all of it.
He has remembered you because He forgot not the Father.
You looked upon the unreal and found despair.
Yet by seeking the unreal, what else could you find?
The unreal world is a thing of despair, for it can never be.
そして神の本質を共に分かち合うものは、 実在なしで満足することなど決してできない。
And you who share God's Being with Him could never be content without reality.
神があなたに与えられなかったものがあなたを支配することはない し、愛にたいする愛の魅力は今なお圧倒的。
What God did not give you has no power over you, and the attraction of love for love remains irresistible.
それというのも愛の役目はすべてのものを愛そのものと一つに結び 、そうした完全さを拡張することによって、 すべてのものを一緒にしておくことだからである。
For it is the function of love to unite all things unto itself, and to hold all things together by extending its wholeness.
実相の世界は神からあなたに与えられたものなのだが、 それはあなたが自分で作って見ている世界と、 愛をこめて交換するために与えられた。
The real world was given you by God in loving exchange for the world you made and the world you see.
その実相の世界をただキリストの手から受取り、 よく見てみるがいい。
Only take it from the hand of Christ and look upon it.
それの真実のすがたをながめるとは完全に知覚するということなの で、それがほかのものをことごとく目に見えなくする。
Its reality will make everything else invisible, for beholding it is total perception.
そしてその実相の世界をながめるにつれて、 いつもそのままだったということを思い出すであろう。
And as you look upon it you will remember that it was always so.
あなたはついに本当に見たことになるので、 実存しない状態は目に見えなくなってしまう。
Nothingness will become invisible, for you will at last have seen truly.
あがなわれた知覚は容易に叡知へと変わる。知覚するときにだけ間違う可能性があるのだし、 知覚の対象となるものがあったためしはないのであるから。
Redeemed perception is easily translated into knowledge, for only perception is capable of error and perception has never been.
知覚は正されたのでその役を叡知に譲るし、 その叡知が永遠に唯一の実在そのものだ。
Being corrected it gives place to knowledge, which is forever the only reality.
贖罪(≒自我の「分離」 という間違った思い込みを聖霊によって取り消すこと、 それを進める聖霊の計画) はただ決して失われてなどいないものへと帰る方法にすぎない。
The Atonement is but the way back to what was never lost.
あなたの御父が御子を愛するのを止めてしまったはずなどないので ある。
Your Father could not cease to love His Son.
Do you really believe that you can kill the Son of God?
The Father has hidden His Son safely within Himself, and kept him far away from your destructive thoughts, but you know neither the Father nor the Son because of them.
You attack the real world every day and every hour and minute, and yet you are surprised that you cannot see it.
If you seek love in order to attack it, you will never find it.
For if love is sharing, how can you find it except through itself?
Offer it and it will come to you, because it is drawn to itself.
But offer attack and love will remain hidden, for it can live only in peace.
God's Son is as safe as his Father, for the Son knows his Father's protection and cannot fear.
His Father's Love holds him in perfect peace, and needing nothing, he asks for nothing.
Yet he is far from you whose Self he is, for you chose to attack him and he disappeared from your sight into his Father.
He did not change, but you did.
For a split mind and all its works were not created by the Father, and could not live in the knowledge of Him.
When you made visible what is not true, what is true became invisible to you.
Yet it cannot be invisible in itself, for the Holy Spirit sees it with perfect clarity.
It is invisible to you because you are looking at something else.
Yet it is no more up to you to decide what is visible and what is invisible, than it is up to you to decide what reality is.
What can be seen is what the Holy Spirit sees.
The definition of reality is God's, not yours.
He created it, and He knows what it is.
You who knew have forgotten, and unless He had given you a way to remember you would have condemned yourself to oblivion.
Because of your Father's Love you can never forget Him, for no one can forget what God Himself placed in his memory.
You can deny it, but you cannot lose it.
A Voice will answer every question you ask, and a vision will correct the perception of everything you see.
For what you have made invisible is the only truth, and what you have not heard is the only Answer.
God would reunite you with yourself, and did not abandon you in your distress.
You are waiting only for Him, and do not know it.
Yet His memory shines in your mind and cannot be obliterated.
It is no more past than future, being forever always.
You have but to ask for this memory, and you will remember.
Yet the memory of God cannot shine in a mind that has obliterated it and wants to keep it so.
For the memory of God can dawn only in a mind that chooses to remember, and that has relinquished the insane desire to control reality.
You who cannot even control yourself should hardly aspire to control the universe.
But look upon what you have made of it, and rejoice that it is not so.
Son of God, be not content with nothing!
What is not real cannot be seen and has no value.
God could not offer His Son what has no value, nor could His Son receive it.
You were redeemed the instant you thought you had deserted Him.
Everything you made has never been, and is invisible because the Holy Spirit does not see it.
Yet what He does see is yours to behold, and through His vision your perception is healed.
You have made invisible the only truth that this world holds.
Valuing nothing, you have sought nothing.
By making nothing real to you, you have seen it.
But it is not there.
And Christ is invisible to you because of what you have made visible to yourself.
Yet it does not matter how much distance you have tried to interpose between your awareness and truth.
God's Son can be seen because his vision is shared.
The Holy Spirit looks upon him, and sees nothing else in you.
What is invisible to you is perfect in His sight, and encompasses all of it.
He has remembered you because He forgot not the Father.
You looked upon the unreal and found despair.
Yet by seeking the unreal, what else could you find?
The unreal world is a thing of despair, for it can never be.
And you who share God's Being with Him could never be content without reality.
What God did not give you has no power over you, and the attraction of love for love remains irresistible.
For it is the function of love to unite all things unto itself, and to hold all things together by extending its wholeness.
The real world was given you by God in loving exchange for the world you made and the world you see.
Only take it from the hand of Christ and look upon it.
Its reality will make everything else invisible, for beholding it is total perception.
And as you look upon it you will remember that it was always so.
Nothingness will become invisible, for you will at last have seen truly.
Redeemed perception is easily translated into knowledge, for only perception is capable of error and perception has never been.
Being corrected it gives place to knowledge, which is forever the only reality.
The Atonement is but the way back to what was never lost.
Your Father could not cease to love His Son.
投稿 (Atom)