No one can escape from illusions unless he looks at them, for not looking is the way they are protected.
There is no need to shrink from illusions, for they cannot be dangerous.
We are ready to look more closely at the ego's thought system because together we have the lamp that will dispel it, and since you realise you do not want it, you must be ready.
Let us be very calm in doing this, for we are merely looking honestly for truth.
The 'dynamics' of the ego will be our lesson for a while, for we must look first at this to see beyond it, since you have made it real.
We will undo this error quietly together, and then look beyond it to truth.
What is healing but the removal of all that stands in the way of knowledge?
And how else can one dispel illusions except by looking at them directly, without protecting them?
Be not afraid, therefore, for what you will be looking at is the source of fear, and you are beginning to learn that fear is not real.
You are also learning that its effects can be dispelled merely by denying their reality.
The next step is obviously to recognise that what has no effects does not exist.
Laws do not operate in a vacuum, and what leads to nothing has not happened.
If reality is recognised by its extension, what leads to nothing could not be real.
Do not be afraid, then, to look upon fear, for it cannot be seen.
Clarity undoes confusion by definition, and to look upon darkness through light must dispel it.
Let us begin this lesson in 'ego dynamics' by understanding that the term itself does not mean anything.
It contains the very contradiction in terms that makes it meaningless.
'Dynamics' implies the power to do something, and the whole separation fallacy lies in the belief that the ego has the power to do anything.
The ego is fearful to you because you believe this.
Yet the truth is very simple:
All power is of God.
What is not of Him has no power to do anything.
When we look at the ego, then, we are not considering dynamics but delusions.
You can surely regard a delusional system without fear, for it cannot have any effects if its source is not real.
Fear becomes more obviously inappropriate if you recognise the ego's goal, which is so clearly senseless that any effort on its behalf is necessarily expended on nothing.
The ego's goal is quite explicitly ego autonomy.
From the beginning, then, its purpose is to be separate, sufficient unto itself and independent of any power except its own.
This is why it is the symbol of separation.
Every idea has a purpose, and its purpose is always the natural outcome of what it is.
Everything that stems from the ego is the natural outcome of its central belief, and the way to undo its results is merely to recognise that their source is not natural, being out of accord with your true nature.
I said before that to will contrary to God is wishful thinking and not real willing.
His Will is one because the extension of His Will cannot be unlike itself.
The real conflict you experience, then, is between the ego's idle wishes and the Will of God, which you share.
Can this be a real conflict?
Yours is the independence of creation, not of autonomy.
Your whole creative function lies in your complete dependence on God, Whose function He shares with you.
By His willingness to share it, He became as dependent on you as you are on Him.
Do not ascribe the ego's arrogance to Him Who wills not to be independent of you.
He has included you in His Autonomy.
Can you believe that autonomy is meaningful apart from Him?
The belief in ego autonomy is costing you the knowledge of your dependence on God, in which your freedom lies.
The ego sees all dependency as threatening, and has twisted even your longing for God into a means of establishing itself.
But do not be deceived by its interpretation of your conflict.
The ego always attacks on behalf of separation.
Believing it has the power to do this it does nothing else, because its goal of autonomy is nothing else.
The ego is totally confused about reality, but it does not lose sight of its goal.
It is much more vigilant than you are, because it is perfectly certain of its purpose.
You are confused because you do not recognise yours.
You must recognise that the last thing the ego wishes you to realise is that you are afraid of it.
For if the ego could give rise to fear, it would diminish your independence and weaken your power.
Yet its one claim to your allegiance is that it can give power to you.
Without this belief you would not listen to it at all.
How, then, can its existence continue if you realise that, by accepting it, you are belittling yourself and depriving yourself of power?
The ego can and does allow you to regard yourself as supercilious, unbelieving, 'light-hearted', distant, emotionally shallow, callous, uninvolved and even desperate, but not really afraid.
Minimising fear, but not its undoing, is the ego's constant effort, and is indeed a skill at which it is very ingenious.
How can it preach separation without upholding it through fear, and would you listen to it if you recognised this is what it is doing?
Your recognition that whatever seems to separate you from God is only fear, regardless of the form it takes and quite apart from how the ego wants you to experience it, is therefore the basic ego threat.
自我の自律の夢は、あなたがこうしたことを自覚することで、 自我の土台まで揺さぶられる。
Its dream of autonomy is
shaken to its foundation by this awareness.
それはあなたが独立についての間違った考えは黙認するかもしれな いとしても、恐れがもたらす損失に気づきさえすれば、 そんなものを受け入れなくなるからである。
For though you may countenance a
false idea of independence, you will not accept the cost of fear if you
recognise it.
Yet this is the cost, and the ego cannot minimise it.
もしあなたが愛を見落としたりすれば自分を見落としていることに なり、自分自身を否定しているので、 実在でないものを恐れざるをえなくなる。
If you
overlook love you are overlooking yourself, and you must fear unreality
because you have denied yourself.
真実を首尾よく攻撃したと信じるので、 攻撃には力があるものと信じている。
By believing that you have
successfully attacked truth, you are believing that attack has power.
そこで、 あなたが自分自身に恐れを抱くようになったことはきわめて明瞭。
simply, then, you have become afraid of yourself.
And no one wants to find what
he believes would destroy him.
もし自我の目標とする自律が為し遂げられるとすれば、 神の目的がくじかれるということ。だがこれは不可能である。
If the ego's goal of autonomy could be accomplished God's purpose could be defeated, and this is impossible.
If the ego's goal of autonomy could be accomplished God's purpose could be defeated, and this is impossible.
ただ何が恐れなのか、それが分るようになることで、 あなたは最終的にできることとできないことを区別したり、 間違ったことと真実であることを区別したりできるようになる。
Only by learning what fear is can you finally
learn to distinguish the possible from the impossible and the false from the
自我の教えによると、自我の目標は為し遂げられるが、 神の目的は為し遂げられないとする。
According to the ego's teaching, its goal can be accomplished and
God's purpose can not.
According to the Holy Spirit's teaching,
only God's purpose can be accomplished, and it is accomplished already.
神は、あなたが神に依存しているのと同じように、 あなたに依存している。というのは神の自主性はあなたの自主性を包含しており、 したがってあなたのがなければ不完全なものとなるからだ。
God is as dependent on you as you are on Him, because His Autonomy encompasses yours, and is therefore incomplete without it.
God is as dependent on you as you are on Him, because His Autonomy encompasses yours, and is therefore incomplete without it.
あなたは神との一体感をもち、 自分の役目をそれが真理において存在するがごとくに果たすことに よってのみ、自分の自主性を確立できる。
You can only establish your
autonomy by identifying with Him, and fulfilling your function as it exists in
The ego believes that to accomplish its goal is happiness.
しかしあなたには、 神の役目は自分の役目であると分かるはずだし、 自分の心を意志と一つにするよりほかに幸せは見いだせない。
But it is
given you to know that God's function is yours, and happiness cannot be found
apart from your joint will.
ただあなたは自我の目標を本当に一生懸命追求してきたとはいえ、 それは単に恐れをもたらしたに過ぎないということに気づけば、 そんな恐れを抱いていることが幸せだなどといい続けるのは難しく なる。
Recognise only that the ego's goal, which you have
pursued so diligently, has merely brought you fear, and it becomes difficult to
maintain that fear is happiness.
Upheld by fear, this is what the ego would have
you believe.
けれども神の子は正気を失ってはいないので、 そんなことを信じるはずがない。
Yet God's Son is not insane, and cannot believe it.
Let him but
recognise it and he will not accept it.
というのも正気でない者だけが愛の代わりに恐れを選び、 正気でない者だけが攻撃することで愛を得られると信じたりできる だろうから。
For only the insane would choose fear in
place of love, and only the insane could believe that love can be gained by
しかし正気の者は攻撃すると恐れを生み出すだけだと気づいている し、神の愛がそうした恐れから完全に護ってくれる。
But the sane realise that only attack could produce fear, from which the
Love of God completely protects them.
The ego analyses; the Holy Spirit accepts.
The ego analyses; the Holy Spirit accepts.
完全なすがたというものを受け入れてこそ、 その真価を認める気になる。分析するとは分解または分離させることであるから。
The appreciation of wholeness comes
only through acceptance, for to analyse means to break down or to separate out.
全体としてなりたつ状態を分解して理解しようと試みるのは、 自我のあらゆることにたいする典型的で矛盾した取り組み方である ことは明らかだ。
The attempt to understand totality by breaking it down is clearly the
characteristically contradictory approach of the ego to everything.
自我は力と理解力と真理は分離することで見いだされると信じてお り、こんな信念を確立するためには攻撃せざるをえないだろう。
The ego
believes that power, understanding and truth lie in separation, and to establish
this belief it must attack.
Unaware that the belief cannot be established, and
obsessed with the conviction that separation is salvation, the ego attacks
everything it perceives by breaking it into small, disconnected parts, without
meaningful relationships and therefore without meaning.
自我はいつも意義あるものを大混乱に取って変えるが、 それはもし分離が救いだとすれば、調和は脅威となるからである。
The ego will always
substitute chaos for meaning, for if separation is salvation, harmony is threat.
知覚の法則についての自我の解釈は、聖霊のとは正反対であるし、 またそうする必要があるのだろう。
The ego's interpretation of the laws of perception are, and would have to be, the exact opposite of the Holy Spirit's.
The ego focuses on error and overlooks truth.
間違いを知覚するたびにそれを本当だとしてしまい、 典型的な循環論法をつかって、 間違いがあるのだから首尾一貫した真理には意味がないに違いない という結論をだす。
It makes real every mistake it perceives, and with characteristically circular reasoning concludes that because of the mistake consistent truth must be meaningless.
The next step, then, is obvious.
もし首尾一貫した真理に意味がないとすれば、 矛盾したものこそ真実に相違ないとする。
If consistent truth is meaningless, inconsistency must be true.
間違いをはっきりと心に抱き、 それが本当だとしたものを護りながら、 自我は自らの思考体系の次の段階へと移る。
Holding error clearly in mind, and protecting what it has made real, the ego proceeds to the next step in its thought system:
Error is real and truth is error.
自我はこんなことを理解しようと試みることはないし、 しようにもできないことだというのははっきりしている。しかしそんなことを実証しようとあらゆる手をつくそうとするし、 絶えずしていることは確か。
The ego makes no attempt to understand this, and it is clearly not understandable, but the ego does make every attempt to demonstrate it, and this it does constantly.
意義というものを攻撃しようと分析することで、 それを首尾よく見落とし、 自我に残るのはばらばらに知覚したものがつながったもので、 それを自我は自らのために統一させる。
Analysing to attack meaning the ego succeeds in overlooking it, and is left with a series of fragmented perceptions which it unifies on behalf of itself.
This, then, becomes the universe it perceives.
そしてこの宇宙が、 次に自我そのものの実在を実証するものとなるわけだ。
And it is this universe which, in turn, becomes its demonstration of its own reality.
自我の実証が、 それを聞く気になる者を引き付ける力を過小評価しないでおくこと だ。
Do not underestimate the appeal of the ego's demonstrations to those who would listen.
選択的知覚はそれについて証言する者たちを注意深く選び出すし、 それの証言は一貫している。
Selective perception chooses its witnesses carefully, and its witnesses are consistent.
The case for insanity is strong to the insane.
理由付けはそれが始まったところで終わり、 どんな思考体系もその源をしのぐことはないのである。
For reasoning ends at its beginning, and no thought system transcends its source.
しかし、意味をなさない理由付けは何も実証できはしないし、 そんなものに納得させられた者たちはだまされているに相違ない。
Yet reasoning without meaning cannot demonstrate anything, and those who are convinced by it must be deluded.
自我は真理を見落とすとすれば、 そんな自我が本当に教えられるだろうか。
Can the ego teach truly when it overlooks truth?
Can it perceive what it has denied?
自我が否認しているということをその証人たちは確かに証言するが 、それが否認したものにたいして証言することはまずないだろう。
Its witnesses do attest to its denial, but hardly to what it has denied.
自我は御子を否認しているので、御父をまともに見ても、 それが御父だとはわからない。
The ego looks straight at the Father and does not see Him, for it has denied His Son.
Would you remember the Father?
Accept His Son and you will remember Him.
御子が価値の無いものだと実証できるものは何もない、 うそを真実だと証明できるものは何一つないのだから。
Nothing can demonstrate that His Son is unworthy, for nothing can prove that a lie is true.
あなたは自我の目を通して御子を何と見ているかで、 御子は存在しないということを実証する。けれども御子がいるところに御父もいるに違いないのである。
What you see of His Son through the eyes of the ego is a demonstration that His Son does not exist, yet where the Son is the Father must be.
神が否定なさっていないものを受け入れるなら、 そうしたものが自らの真理を実証してくれる。
Accept what God does not deny, and it will demonstrate its truth.
神のために証言する者たちは自らの光のなかに立ち、 神が創造したものをながめるのである。
The witnesses for God stand in His Light and behold what He created.
そうした証人たちの沈黙が御子を見たということを示し、 キリストの面前では何一つ実証する必要もない。キリストがその人たちに自らと御父とについて話すのであるから 。
Their silence is the sign that they have beheld God's Son, and in the Presence of Christ they need demonstrate nothing, for Christ speaks to them of Himself and of His Father.
キリストが自分たちに話しているので、 その人たちは無言でいるし、 その人たちが話すのはキリストの言葉である。
They are silent because Christ speaks to them, and it is His words they speak.
あなたが出会うきょうだいは一人残らず、 キリストの証人となるか自我の証人となるか、 そのどちらかなのだが、 それはあなたがそのきょうだいのうちに何を知覚するかによって左 右される。
Every brother you meet becomes a witness for Christ or for the ego, depending on what you perceive in him.
だれもが皆、何をあなたは知覚したいのかとか、 あなたがその国のためなら絶えず注意を怠らないようにする気で選 んだ。その王国の実在について、あなたを納得させようとする。
Everyone convinces you of what you want to perceive, and of the reality of the kingdom you have chosen for your vigilance.
あなたが知覚するものはことごとく、 自分が真実であって欲しいと思う思考体系の証拠となる。
Everything you perceive is a witness to the thought system you want to be true.
もしあなたが自由になることを選びさえすれば、 どのきょうだいもあなたを解放する力を持っている。
Every brother has the power to release you, if you choose to be free.
そうしたきょうだいから間違った証言を受け入れるはずはないが、 受け入れるとすればそのきょうだいにたいして間違って証言するも のをあなたが呼び起こしたということ。
You cannot accept false witness of him unless you have evoked false witnesses against him.
そのきょうだいがキリストについて話してくれないとすれば、 あなたがキリストについて話していないのだといえる。
If he speaks not of Christ to you, you spoke not of Christ to him.
あなたはただ自分自身の声を聞くのであり、 キリストがあなたを通して話すのなら、 そのキリストがあなたに聞こえてくるのである。
You hear but your own voice, and if Christ speaks through you, you will hear Him.
The ego's interpretation of the laws of perception are, and would have to be, the exact opposite of the Holy Spirit's.
The ego focuses on error and overlooks truth.
It makes real every mistake it perceives, and with characteristically circular reasoning concludes that because of the mistake consistent truth must be meaningless.
The next step, then, is obvious.
If consistent truth is meaningless, inconsistency must be true.
Holding error clearly in mind, and protecting what it has made real, the ego proceeds to the next step in its thought system:
Error is real and truth is error.
The ego makes no attempt to understand this, and it is clearly not understandable, but the ego does make every attempt to demonstrate it, and this it does constantly.
Analysing to attack meaning the ego succeeds in overlooking it, and is left with a series of fragmented perceptions which it unifies on behalf of itself.
This, then, becomes the universe it perceives.
And it is this universe which, in turn, becomes its demonstration of its own reality.
Do not underestimate the appeal of the ego's demonstrations to those who would listen.
Selective perception chooses its witnesses carefully, and its witnesses are consistent.
The case for insanity is strong to the insane.
For reasoning ends at its beginning, and no thought system transcends its source.
Yet reasoning without meaning cannot demonstrate anything, and those who are convinced by it must be deluded.
Can the ego teach truly when it overlooks truth?
Can it perceive what it has denied?
Its witnesses do attest to its denial, but hardly to what it has denied.
The ego looks straight at the Father and does not see Him, for it has denied His Son.
Would you remember the Father?
Accept His Son and you will remember Him.
Nothing can demonstrate that His Son is unworthy, for nothing can prove that a lie is true.
What you see of His Son through the eyes of the ego is a demonstration that His Son does not exist, yet where the Son is the Father must be.
Accept what God does not deny, and it will demonstrate its truth.
The witnesses for God stand in His Light and behold what He created.
Their silence is the sign that they have beheld God's Son, and in the Presence of Christ they need demonstrate nothing, for Christ speaks to them of Himself and of His Father.
They are silent because Christ speaks to them, and it is His words they speak.
Every brother you meet becomes a witness for Christ or for the ego, depending on what you perceive in him.
Everyone convinces you of what you want to perceive, and of the reality of the kingdom you have chosen for your vigilance.
Everything you perceive is a witness to the thought system you want to be true.
Every brother has the power to release you, if you choose to be free.
You cannot accept false witness of him unless you have evoked false witnesses against him.
If he speaks not of Christ to you, you spoke not of Christ to him.
You hear but your own voice, and if Christ speaks through you, you will hear Him.